Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jump or Down

This time next week will be history. The jury will be in, and whatever patch this proves to be will have passed. Not sure why this seemed like such a good thing, when the time came though it had one wondering. Been in doubt lot's of time, but the die are cast. It is only now that with all angles of the reality picture moving simultaneously does it seem like a big obstacle on the agility course of life. Can do this is the mantra, don't worry be happy.....

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Furrow Ahead For New Growth

 Right now is a great time to transform what you can. Sure there were bad patches, but look how easy they are to break up and refine. Shake loose, return, and start again. Never worry when you're hanging on the ropes of Hope, being hard to cope. So just tell yourself to feel no pain, and walk away!
 Once again yesterday is a memory, anything and everything can happen, it's the story of your life and try writing it today. It's a great day to dig in and lay down that new growth.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

On the Look Out

  When there was massive bags of leaves to rake it was a nice to have a healthy tree and two good hands to rake with. After a very slug fest of a run it was nice to have a good back and legs that gave the freedom
to at least do that. Before scraping the tiller project altogether, changing a spark plug, a minute check of a motor schematic, an adjustment, the garden was completely done, that close to calling it a day. In just a week, gone from being Fat to very lean times, why? When you can voluntarily let go, it shows what you have but haven't really lost. Not sure why it has to be, kind for one and ugly for another, but imagine some
way of
figuring out that this is really great even when it seems lousy? Both must be a free choice, and it sure beats
thinking the opposite. All bad patches pass...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Martedi Grasso

 Over the top, filled to the brim, yes, this is the day when you can count all the Fat Blessings
and gifts that just seem to be in over abundance, overflowing. Just think about, what is better
than living the dream, the here and now. Can't really do anything about yesterday, and the future,
doesn't seem to get here. But today, it is Fat alright, and like everything else you don't really have
to do anything about it. Just all dressed up like Capt. Crash and the Beauty Queen from Mars.
You and me, yes we're Invincible, Together!

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Way Back From New Orleans

  They say love can take you far. Be yourself and there you are. Once in a lifetime, when will
she be mine, heaven knows. Love can take you up the mountain and down below. Day or night
she won't let you go. Love's like a warm wind, sworn to the feeling, need to know.
  What does it feel like, when can I say? It's the furthest that I've ever been, and I've found a way.
What does it sound like, when will I know. How does it feel like letting go. A memory of,
I only know how to love.
 When I dream I'm in her arms. Feeling safe and far from harm. She knows where I've been,
places that I've seen, Need to know, heaven tell me. Deep down inside she's here tonight by my side.
  What does it feel like, when can I say? It's the furthest that I've ever been, and I've found a way.........