Monday, July 11, 2011

What the Fourth of July Dreams

Yes there was the Cruiser with the machine gun, and Major Dick flew with the ThunderBirds. We cooked
for the Veterans and they in turn carried the load again raising money for kids scholarships from the people
that came in that 4th in that Colorado town and bought our plates of food. Chicago Jack and I set up the buffet, and I cut, cooked and BBQed until they stopped coming in. Gary served in the Nautilus Sub in Vietnam, others in WW2, Korea, and they carried Our Colors proudly in the parade. It was a fine day, made me cry to think how they risked everything to keep us enjoying running, eating, doing what we want
when we want, cause at the end of the day, it isn't about you or me and thunder. It was them, alone against all odds keeping the demons at bay! God Bless all the Vets!

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