Saturday, July 21, 2012

The New Normal...The Tiger Runs

Angela Ivory died at 44, I remember checking her car at 3am at Run Like the Wind, and she told me ...just taking a break on her 24 hour event. I will miss her, she was fine and humble and a woman.
This is something she wrote before her death to cancer...

She never asked"why me?"
The answer would have been"why not me?
But she's hurting, she's sick, and she's tired
Your strong, they tell her
She feels like a fraud
She feels weak, sad and mad
You look good, they tell her
But her eyes are yellow
She's lost 25 pounds
She's losing her hair again
Neuropathy has taken over her left foot, and both hands
What has happened to her body, mind, and spirit?
A force stonger than her has taken over
She wonders how she will make it through another day
Too much chemotherapy, radiation,injections, pills, blood tranfusions,
and hospital stays
It's enough to drive a sane woman crazy
But she keeps going
Not knowing how to give up or give in
It could be worse she tells herself
But it's no comfort
She misses being herself
She misses feeling good, full of energy,and being happy
She wants her life back
She can't adjust to the new normal
It sucks big time
She watches another beautiful day from her window
I want to run again, she says
Instead she shuffles back to her couch, in front of the television
Sitting, tears in her eyes, and gasping for air, she knows she can't even walk before feeling faint
One day, she'll run again
She knows in her heart that the new normal has to be temporary
She will be well again
Patience shes never had would come in handy now
Hope is all that remains
She has to believe....

Goodbye Angela.....your running again in my mountains, clouds and sky!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting Sam. More fuel for our change in food Sir. We watched "Forks over Knives yesterday evening. It was very sobering. We keep getting these messages like your current post that are telling us to make this change. We haven't had any neat since the end of March but we need to clean up our diet some more....we're gonna get there!!!
