Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tired you Keep Saying

Yes another hill to climb and probally can't do it? Looks like today is going to be unbelieveably tough, sometimes one gets tired. Tired of the hills and valleys of another day in what is not what paradise ought to be? But not Impossible, because it is with a bit of gratitude that at least it might be possible to take in smaller chunks.Eat the whole pie, it is what it is. The unexpected, the unwanted, the this the that,until finally your tired. You're not,your just not.You can succeed, rest if you must but don't you quit. Remember if your a loser, go sleep in the car!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Where'sThe Love

Ok so running a marathon a week ago probally needs some recovery, changing a long lasting rising time in the morning by one hour is another thing. Then cutting coffee consumption by about half is one more deal. Did I remember to do things in smaller steps so that I could stay focused and succeed. Well this week will be a challenge but hey, that's life. This past week has had me feeling like I had a bug, but I would bet from past exprience it revolves around all three of my past week adventures in change. As to why, one can only ask what are you doing? It was not intended as part of the Rabbitville journey, but it could cover my part in the big scheme of things.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


So yesterday we took the GPS/GIS training for the Wildland Conservation Division to improve our trail stewardship as being the "eyes of acres". Having been given a garmin550t, it was a chance to learn how to use the blessed thing since the WCD uses a very similar device. It was wonderful to have as my partner Jim Balazar,and spend some time running off to the 8 waypoints, idenify the info and record the data. Lunch was overlooking the water, yes it was a good way to spend 8hrs Saturday.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Today maybe we cross over,to which side of fine and not so good, is a work in progress. Having no boss, and maybe today meeting the new boss,not the same as the ole boss. Inbetween, so for days ,my own "Jefe",with the intermitant phone call to do such and such. With the run Sunday, recovery and two short jaunts with Boodini. Since I throughly liked getting up last week at the butt hour to go take charge of stuff at work, I changed rising time to an hour earlier, now battling a sick bug, not reallly sure which direction my ole shell is going,today will tip the scales, yes, one way or the other. Optimism is key, keep that sunny side up, or it will be scrambled eggs.Maybe we can land this deal like that Jet on the tarmac in Poland with no landing wheels, belly side down mate,all 220+ surviving.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Behind and Ahead

It's always a smart choice to take a look for a moment, not to smell the roses, but to catch the direction. If Boodini looks back he sees a progression,and looking ahead that ole dog might get a whiff of which way to direct the course of things. Choices, that can change where you are today. Seems like thinking back just a week ago, it has moved towards the choice made back then, and if it wasn't then today is that opportunity to redirect. Ahead can only work because today you set the plan in motion, think, do, a little a time. Are you ready? Looks like there is a huge hill followed by a mountain up ahead! One step in front of the other!

Monday, February 18, 2013

I am Wayne Webb!

The last three mornings rolled around early 3-4am, two because of work and the final day for running, the marathon run on city streets. The weather was I thought perfect, the run was easy and comfortable, there was no wall, it was all "I will". Unfortunately I have forgotten that races are run in a form that is not comfortable, but on that edge of push and breaking uncomfortable. Who really cares? At the 26.2/13/1 road split I didn't veer to the 13.1 and finish early, I didn't run further on the 26.2 course and DNF and ride the SAG wagon home, Wayne touched my "I can" and it was done, hell I needed a long run. I think there is a growth of WW in all of us, but the point for certain is, it never stopped him from getting to a starting line. It didn't hinder him from walking, being dead last, or even DNFing a lot. That part revolves around focus to the trail ahead, you just keep moving forward as you will forward. Remember the mission, the banquet of the Hare lies ahead, and so please continue.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Your Never Alone with a Schizophrenic

Today it is very important no matter how loud the thunder clamors across the climb up the mountain. There will always be friends and family who give a Boodini's hind about it all. That's right, Boodini does care. So it makes a diff, because you do not walk alone.Never fear, never complain,not cause it doesn't matter, but cause there is insulation with your base.So let's click thru another section of the journey towards Rabbitville.Bring it on.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Off to See the Bunny

Left some stuff behind because it will be a small feat to carry it all otherwise. After all, in 43 days we will be having dinner with a rabbit.Moving ahead, away from, certainly not to be the same as one was,life does have a pattern of changing itself and you by it. It will lead for better or for worse, but it will be an exercise that "if we don't die from, it will make us stronger". Communication, dialogue, these are the keys to open the doors,clear the trail for the journey ahead. Forget the lie, you are not ever what you think you were, it all moves away, never stays the same, the choices are Boodini's.That's search and rescue.Happy Valentines Day!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ashes To Dust

Boodini has enough baggage to ground a military cargo plane. It would be good to loosen the load,we would run faster,ears flopping in the breeze.Pushing away from the food bowl in all it's variety and abundance would also change the body dynamics. At the begininning and end of the day slowing the thought process with some proverbial overview would also draw the game plan together. Journeys need a destination, but don't miss the thrill of the ride.Life is short with many changes.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fat Fat Fat Tuesday

Many days go by without thinking about the over the top, filled to the brim, satisfied moments that make up the downside. But let today be one that we all know and remember the good times rolling.Just sit for a moment and count your lucky stars, and if all you can think of is the moonless night, at least know you have the night.It's a start. All those Massanuttens, Wasatches,Saturday morning fun runs,friends and family may not be happening tomorrow, but it's true. Today let it be Fat,Fat and then Fat!