Friday, March 29, 2013

Kiss it Off

One so sad, feeling painful
You can't deny, there is no peace
Is no love, milk toasted love
Ain't no velvet glove
You're the child of some electric nightmare
You could move mountains, the swords of fire
They keep you around to watch their house of gold
Keep the hungry away from the sacred grove
You were holy and you made me wonder how
But you looked like a devil
who would seize and shake you you down
On the hopes of a tyrant
No one makes it on
There is no peace
There is no love
Ain't no velvet glove

Thursday, March 28, 2013

It's Maundy Thursday Somewhere

Everyone has the right to their opinion, Boodini is wondering when people talk about their God,His Word, and what it means, I still wonder. The Gays to some, are no more than civil war slaves and shouldn't have their voice heard, cause God wants nothing doing.Then the Pope is a loser, or Obama is leading us to hell and back. What religion is this in our country today. When the Boo hears ,reads, this tone, it seems someone who knows nothing about God would not want to have anything to do with Him. It seems like a vigilante movement to snuff out the revolution within,and to what good. Mandatum novum do vobis ut diligatis invicem sicut dilexin vos, meaning, A new comandment I give one another, as I have loved you. More bees with honey than vinegar.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spy Wednesday

Mystery and intrigue are the only thoughts that flow forward. It won't do to be on watch because it is what you call predesign. In the big scheme that event started the ball rolling the next few days as we near the outskirts of Rabbit town. Maybe it is a call to check those thoughts, they sneak up and tell you to ease up when you want to sprint, forget about the plan you so earlier committed to. If you want to keep things on track,and yes there are two trains running, keep firm to your game on, get out there and find that Dog. You determine this one, the idea, the thought, bingo it's done, which will you take?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Good or Bad

The Christians have taken over, just try an get past them on this short few days left til Rabbitville. The journey continues none the less. I believe that like most things it is what we make of it, and that is the result we get. What have we got, like it is written, miles to go before Boodini sleeps. There is no way that failure has left one to wallow, that is just opportunity to will success. Not bad at all, practice those affirmations for your good.It does turn the tide. Better get moving though, cause the line up ahead will be thick.Those Christians...

Thursday, March 21, 2013


SXSW,Springtime,David's 911 run,St.Paddy's day,prehot days,lot's going by. We stay motionless, we are programmed according to our thoughts.We are this or that when we put the notion conciously into our path. I am happy or sad. Starts with that trigger. If you say to yourself long enough, it's a fix,that's what you get. If you believe it, it is going to pass.Just playing along and finding out what events occur. At the end of the day what have we decided about the situation? Two trains running on that line, be all right , be just fine, one train running left the other far behind.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Slammin and Jammin

Boodini watching and listening was taken back when he read someone call the Catholic's new Pope a loser, because Francis didn't support anything goes. Then someone said the new Pope didn't have character because he didn't stop the socialist military junta in Argentina from killing folks in the "dirty wars". I am sure they know the new catholic leader very well, and have read deeply all the necessary information that leads them to this conclusion. As for Boodini, we will wait and see, because we didn't know of him at all till now. Like a new friend or aquaintance we will give this new person time to form and see what they are really about. It is really great folks are passionate and vocal about their opinions sometimes. So we will just simmer along, pace ourselves until we understand and grasp what is truly reality.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ain't Heavy He's my Brother

If there is one thing Boodini noticed just yesterday,he has a sense,call it "courage of conviction".Nothing beyond that point will influence or change his mind, he is dead sure, and will do just that. One could offer a presidency, a change in running schedule, this or that,the answer would still be No.It is obvious that in the past and to this day things change for the better in our push against one another. We have both come up a notch by motivating each other. The thought of a first 100M, a blog, a desire to enter or complete a race, he always uses his encouragement so that someone else might succeed. He is a silent orator, even though he doesn't like public speaking. He is the whisperer of dreams.Yes we run together,and always with the Ghost.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring Jump

Boodini is back on the agility loop again, and doesn't seem to miss a beat. For a few years this has become part of the wiring that fits to make life liveable. At least there is movement forward. Right now things are jolted with time changes, schedule adjustments, until maybe after a few it levels again into something new. It eventually leads now towards Rabbitville,but it doesn't stop or originate there, because things are not what they were or what they appear to be.Jump, weave,teater,tunnel,A reverse it all.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


We use many phrases with it. Pass time,waste time,kill time,lose time. In good time. About time. Take your time.Save time.A long time. Right on time. Out of time. Mind the time. Be on time. Spare time. Keep time. Stall for time. There are many expressions with time as there are minutes in the day. But once there must have been no words for it at all. Because no one was counting.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Easy For me to Say

Out in the woods and hills, away from phones and needy people at work,a retreat. Each turn brings flashes of the "grunt"at Wasatch,"the Wall"at Big Horn,the trail up Mt.Wilson at Angeles Crest, the bern run beyond ForestHill at Western States, the rocky path on the cliffs of the Shenendoah river at Massanutten, yes for 50Miles thoughts just pass thru my being as if reliving it all,the past,present,and if there is a future around and up the next hill? One more journey and certainly appreciated.There weren't enough old folks to run against so I get the USATF National 50M award 1st. in my old folks boogie.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Off to See the Wizard

If I am not waylayed by flying monkeys or dogs that are dressed as flying monkeys, all is well. It's time to run in the hills, and if it doesn't kill me , I will be stronger! I was tired, but now if all goes well, yes, I will be tired , but recharged. As they say..Go Boodini!