Thursday, May 30, 2013

Do you Hear the Singing?

It might be over, it's hard to tell. No it's not over. So with the storms and heavy rain from past Friday thru now, built plenty of tension and anxiety, enough to find Boodini in the bathtub with the blues. Maybe practicing Tornado skills. Then the Fear of the coyotes in the park has Boodini running for home. But there is hope because a new training course was carved out in the Hood. Anyway this month is about toast. Hopefully what ever is in the air will just scent away.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dachshund 5K

On a whim Boodini decided to support her friends on the dachshund persuasion by running their 5K at Brushy Creek Park. Thanks to Jeff's heads up the day before, we fixed our flat and were not delayed with mishap! Boodini held open field until mile two when lil Jack Russell came by to cinch up the lineup with Boodini placing second place in 24mins. This time of year with the humidity and heat it's generally a hunker down time for a nordic breed. But a whim is whim, and that last half mile had the tongue scratching the pavement. It was a race with little frill but you just have to run for a cause and it was a good one. It's a ways off till the Donkey Dash and Run for the Rovers, in late fall, and volunteering for Run Like the Wind. For now, just getting in the miles will be tough. The girl just loves to run.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Market In Tolerance

Once upon a time there was an Inn called Boodini's Haven. Ruska the Innkeeper was unable to make ends meet even though she did her very best to draw customers by making the inn comfortable, the service cordial, and the prices resonable. So in despair she consulted Sri Jeffababaji. After listening to her tale of woe, the sage said, "It's very simple. You must change the name of your Inn." "Impossible!" said the innkeeper. "It has been Boodini's Haven for generations and is well known all over the country." "No," said the sage firmly. "You must now call it the Five Bells and have a row of six bells hanging at the entrance." "Six Bells? But that's absurd! What good would that do?" "Give it a try and see," said the sage with a smile. Well, the innkeeper gave it a try. And this is what she saw. Every traveler who passed by the inn walked in to point out the mistake, each one believing that no one else had noticed it. Once inside, they were impressed by the cordiality of the service and stayed on to refresh themselves, thereby providing the innkeeper with the fortune that she had been seeking in vain for so long. There are few things others delight in more than correcting someone's mistakes.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

One Up

Having heard of multiday running vacation packages, there was always the Sri Chinmoy races in NYC.
It never really hit home until reading up a bit when Boodini discovered what it is to be truly the Hero of running. Suprabha Beckjord is the real Hero, who has completed all 13 races year after year. But this isn't just about doing the Hooey Dooey Marathon for 25 years consecutively, you would need to do that for 100 years. Miss SB has run for 52 days for a total of 3100 miles on a .558 sidewalk in NYC, year after year, and that is Sri Chinmoy Transcendental Ultra Run held every year. Each to his own, this is obviously some cover up scandal, probably similar to Benghazi, or the IRS, a communist, Obama, takeover of our rights, running around some NY streets. Transcending enlightened running monks fighting the cause in pilgrimage. Another Icon that people entrench their worthy causes in the name of, until like some must leave Minnesota because they know God's wrath will smote all. Maybe they don't know about rule #6. High ideals become their gods, instead of openness to knowledge and respect of those around them making a difference too. Boodini's icon of running is no different, because 75 in 24 is really nothing in the scheme of things. Don't know what really matters, but maybe not going to Minnesota to get punished. Retirement would be shuffling around a .558 sidewalk in NYC for 52 days, 60+miles a day, year after year. One might think Boodini would be free of issues then.

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Lone Ranger

Nothing but time clicking away...23:57:34 as my feet don't fail me now crossing the finish with 75 miles in the 24inAustin event that I spent the greater part of my weekend doing. Didn't need the hope of completing this amount of mileage down to the last few minutes, but if there was anything left  afterwards Boodini couldn't tell it. Earlier at around midnight clearing the 50 mile mark, I decided with 10 hours to go, well within sight of the 75 mark, it was time for a cat nap which at Umstead or Vermont100's, a thirty minute recess can be a good plan if you set an alarm which I did not, another mistake at this event among many without a plan. Two and half hours later, I awake and realize if I don't go find that dog the 75 mark is toast. But really, why stress, relax and let go. I found that forcing myself to run if nothing but a shuffle made walking feel easier and faster, if you've seen my pathetic motion you know what I mean. The race stated at 8am you could start using the inner mile track to rack up as many miles aside from the 5 mile loop before the 10am close, but they changed that and said you had to do the whole loop and the sag wagon would pick you up? Leah asked me what I was going to do, and I said with the time remaining, which wasn't enough time to do the whole loop, I might as well getter going cause there wasn't any choice. At about 9 am off I bust and somehow turn the out and back road loop of 3 mile back to the track at 9:32, now I needed two miles to do the 75, yes no pressure. The rest is history. I decided against my full kitchen setup like I provided for myself at the Bear 48hr. That left me with my Gu and powder mixes for fuel, thinking the race would provide something. Well, they provided water, little else. At six hours into the event, I saw a few bananas and felt like a homeless guy snatching it off, solid food. I eyed pizza boxes off to the side for volunteers and thought about pilfering. I sucked it up because no need for negative thoughts. At about midnight one of the volunteers gave me a slice of pizza, it was heaven. Enough of that side, next time be warned, take care of what you need for yourself. Yes after this I am a Lone Ranger!
It's Monday morning and I am sore... But Boodini wants to run we go!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Another Day in Paradise

Two prime ministers are sitting in a room discussing affairs of state. Suddenly a man bursts in, shaking with fury, shouting and stamping and banging his fist on the desk. The resident prime minister admonishes him: "Peter"' he says, "kindly remember Rule Number 6," whereupon Peter is instantly restored to complete calm, apologizes, and withdraws. The politicians return to their conversation, only to be interupted yet again twenty minutes later by an hysterical woman gesticulating wildly, her hair flying. Again the intruder is greeted with the words: "Marie, please remember Rule Number 6." Complete calm descends once more, and she too withdraws with a bow and an apology.When the scene is repeated for a third time, the visiting prime minister addresses his colleague: "My dear friend, I've seen many things in my life, but never anything as remarkable as this. Would you be willing to share with me the secret of Rule Number 6?" "Very simple," replies the resident prime minister. "Rule Number 6 is "Don't take yourself so damn seriously." "Ah," says the visitor, "that is a fine rule." After a moment of pondering, he inquires," And what, may I ask, are the other rules?"
"There aren't any!"

Monday, May 6, 2013

Box of Rox

It has been a few years since running in the llano uplift, the days of old when we frequented the Inks Lake for Rocky Trails in it's 45M and 50M forms. But this weekend traveling back to the Revielle Ranch which is slightly northwest of Inks nevertheless was the exact terrain that we so enjoyed. The course winds the granite formations that are the oldest in Texas, and the course loop is a half marathon, so we did it twice. The weather was stellar, and a bullet was dodged from it being it's usual hot spot this time of year. This is one race that Joe has added that is worth doing, and I met the property owner and he has plans of future improvements, he hosts several other events. I know there are sections of Inks that are favorites, and Box has many that reflect the trails of the region to the "T". It was a blast from the past.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Out of the Boat

Boodini lives in worlds that bring about life as she sees it. One is the world of measurement that tell her all about views of  how things look or feel based on the things outside. She feels tired, or hungry, that her physical appearance is fat or slim, ugly or pretty. She can feel like a winner or a loser, making the mark or falling below it. Things in this world share duality, good or bad, happy or sad etc. The other world is one of possibility. This is the world connected to intention. Throughout the day hundreds of thoughts are generated and processed, they make up what has, is, and will take place. Depending on what she thinks she is happy or fatigued, a good girl or an evil one. Nevertheless, following what the thought feed is will always be the result. The doubts and fears that come and go will undermine the best laid plans, because she forgets of the other side of what could be, is satisfied with the safe side. But if each time she enters a new thought,  she is free, she is happy when the low energy doubt or  unhappy appears the outcome will change. Call it an affirmation or intent it will change the results.  Keep feeding the same thing over and over will always give the same result. Following  the mind where it leads and begin changing the process to what she really wants and it will open to abundance and possibility. She tells herself:
I am rich, I am successful
I am cool , I am calm
I am happiness, I am friend to all
I am free, I have no habits
This is the road to what she really truly  desires
 Boodini is a  fulfilled  Girl!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Lee Mannix

It's May 2nd, and sometime ago Lee left the world Boodini knows now. He was responsible for pulling her out of another life that knew cages, lack of food, desperation and loss after Katrina destroyed many lives. For that matter Lee touched many dogs and peoples lives. He was someone that I will never forget, the Irish Dogfather, the spinner of cowboy yarns that made lies sound better than telling the truth. No need to go on, he is remembered today.