Sunday, June 30, 2013

Doble Arcoiris en el Cielo

2:00am and Boodini is got her meteorolgist hat on, yes a rainstorm is approaching. So lets get up for a while and ride this through. Ok after an hour we can sleep. 5:30 am lets get up now cause it is definitely raining now mixed with thunder and lightning. Coffee, reading and now we can slip in between the radar for a run. Wow, never seen a double rainbow in the sky, and had to keep doing a double take but there it was. Sprinkle here, and now more rain, maybe we can make it home, Pow, thunder, uh oh,lightning. Good job Boodini got it done.

Monday, June 24, 2013

I am Wayne Webb vs. The Grimm Reaper

Decided to head out early to avoid the park gate line, saw the one or two folks I still know, and started the race at 7 pm. Ran 9:15 for the first mile of 37.2, what a fool! At mile 16 I began to walk, and from light to dark had well set in, so did all the doubts and I was convinced I was dropping a few mile ahead at the main aid. Don 't know what happened but I left for the final 18.6, and there was no looking back but just forward, running even, and not just a pathetic shuffle, 9:32 ...4:30am. Done!
Beats the hell of being a loser sleeping in the car. Capt. Karl's 2006 was the last time I talked with Rick, now it's 2013 and back at Karl's now sure has changed!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Welcome to Our World

Things progress and grow, deer, oppossum, raccoon, a rainbow of aviary color move with the times. Some nights barn owls, even a covy of great horn owls sit in tree tops. Then coyotes in a small park around the corner, and hidden eyes peer thru the high grass. It's Mizz Fox, and Boodini spotted her on the cinder trail around the park the morning before. Neither seemed very interested in the other, and both seemed to go about their own affairs. The city grows and urban widlife is increasing in our Hood.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Senor Calor es Mi Amigo

Most certainly right, Mr. Heat is my friend, and what a mantra. Making friends with Mr. Salt and Mizz Electrolytes, because they are always best to have around. It's a great time now in Texas, the heat is on. You can run early or late it doesn't matter. Sweat, clean out those pores of impurity, bring on the suntan, looking real good. Walk those legs out when your running just caves and feets are failing you now. No worries cause it just makes getting in the miles that much easier. The best part is we've had it easy so far, why last year at this time we had our 35th triple digit day already. Yes indeed Hot Hot Hot we love you. Tripe face boogie, gonna boogie my sneakers away.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Curtain Call

Officer K9 Figo pays his last respects to his fallen partner who was ambushed in a drug raid gone terribly wrong. The K9 team was the only in this small town in Kentucky. Then there is Ciccio in Puglia Italy who attends the Mass everyday where his companion did when she was alive, and on the day of her burial at the same church Santa Maria Donnato. Now in the early morning hours in this small village when the church bell rings the dog makes his way to church, doesn't make a sound and attends the service. So it goes between human and canine. Boodini better hope like hell she goes before I do.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The UnRanch 30K

Boodini doesn't need wear a watch but 2:45 am is not 4 am. But if there is thunder or lightning or a storm that much lee way in time she can predict. So I was going to do the Rogue 30K at the ranch nears inks but with Boodini's gasping,panting, and general gyrating it wasn't going to happen, unless I just totally did something to Cat's cornflakes and left her holding the bag. There would be scratching and general mayhem and I am that guy, who can handle the action. If I get up and sit with her she likely feels less miserable, so that is what we did while I read my favorite crap novel, and it continued well passed my planned departure time. So about 11 am with things batted down tight, I decided to run around the block, well actually and then some, I laid down  18.75mi./ good enough for the 30K I missed, definitely not even close as scenic, but I got to thinking. Someone posted about running somewhere at night, and I thought like why don't you just go outside and do it? Of course, I didn't  post that, but you know I could have saved the dough by just doing my own thing? Picking up my shirt down at the Rogue store was a total cluster  while 30 of us waited for 40mins.for them to get the bibs figured out, I was wondering how badly lost I was going to get on a poorly marked course. So to date I still have done none of their events, maybe I never will, and they probably do a great job, Boodini had other ideas. Think about it though, you have your house for your aid station, coffee, food, ice water, you got it all. Yeah Boy lets plan that 52 day extended transcendental friggin running vacation.