Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Feeding

$52500.00, that's 750 runners at $70 entry fee. But actually it goes beyond because 70 is a low base, generally the shorter distance is that or higher, and so forth with the longer distance. Fees escalate as deadlines pass, and it either gets you a shirt or nothing at all. Expenses per runner with shirt, timing chip and finishers medal usually don't figure close to $30 on the high side, depending on your volume and supplier. Then of course there's set up and the "usual ultra fare". You don't really pay anyone, because you have zero labor cost's with your pool of dedicated Volunteers, and that is with a capital "V". surely in your inner circle you give them bling, a sum of cash to keep them close, a shirt or nothing at all. Some races give entirely to charity, others under the guise of such, but actually turn little over, or it goes into the organizations pocket. Yet the runners do and ask for stuff from the RD that greatly prohibits their coffee drinking, as that is obviously all they do. People!
  There is no more expansive buffet pre and post race, and if there is you will pay usually an extra $15. Sometimes you provide your total support aside from water, but still pay at least $70.Things have evolved over the past 12 years. Running is big stuff. You have shoes that give zero drop, unlimited cushion that promise miracle recovery, usually there named after some high profile race like Hardrock, Wasatch, and of course that also gives you the edge. Clothing, nutrition, gadgets of every function all with a price tag that continues to skyrocket. Then the runners get on FaceHook and give their heavily biased opinion endorsing product or races they get free bling from or soap boxing what ultimately works different for everyone, and then there still is the unknown.
  In my lifetime entering 40+ 100 milers and some leaving town with airfare, hotel car rental, entry fee it usually runs $1000. Exactly phenomenal, $30000? Not counting local events, all the stuff from shoes to hydration packs I should be retired by now. But like everything in life it is a passion, and my goodness I must be tied to the mast of the ship while the syrens play ring around my rosy, oh rosy!
I am truly happy for myself and all my friends who share either Race Directing or just paying out the wazoo for entry fees, it is the American way. But I do know one Man and he is tired as hell and doesn't like taking any more! Maybe your that Guy too!

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