Monday, November 18, 2013

You Ask Too Much!

Inks Lake was at the time my favorite trail to run, after all it was my daddy Mickey who told me reluctantly I could continue on the final two loops of six in my second 50 miler. I had just told him that my first 50 was the Jackson 5-0, which came the fabled reply" Why that ain't no 50 miler".  Mickey the next year passed on, and left his dynasty to Joe. Those were different times for a few of us. It took a year after that I decided even though I wouldn't enjoy or get to run that race again others might, so I became the "Go Guy".  That's when the friends I had came out to play and help, and basically give me all that had. Doug, and Shan, Misty, Margo, ran the aid stations. Rick was medical, Riggs took care of parking, Larry and Mark took this dumb idea of an aid station up a  half mile of mine gladly. Linda worked Mtn. Goat Hill out and back. Kyle was there but he wasn't doing electronic timing, races didn't use timing chips, that was only at road races. Joe and Joyce counted runners through the line. Bread Man Henderson won, and Jeff ran fending off Jim.The weather was cloudy and light rain on and off. The day after was a rain storm, yes loading all the gear on a 16 ft. trailer back to Austin. This was a time we had. Pre race lasagne dinner, and food all the way through. Everyone busted their ass for some nut brain idea, and everyone shared the fun and the laughter. I am forever grateful still.

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