Thursday, January 29, 2015

No More Whiskey We Go Home

Considerations are being tossed about to dump this blog, not that it is any big deal, but let's face it, and even though it's always another day, this thing has run its course. So for now here we are, well until we go looking for the delete button. So if you look for Boodini, it will probably be going, going, so gone. January in just a couple of days has basically played out, and although some things have taken a down turn, Boodini is pleased with a few of the changes in other areas of living. There was no intention to do the longer races that usually take place this time of year, right now, there is no time off from work available to travel. So mentally we'd call it retiring from the running community. There indeed is no mess with getting runs done or not because there is absolutely no goal hanging to trip over. But the new changeover at work is going just fine. Even if it wasn't, we would find a way just to grin and bear it, but really how long would that last. It's great to at least enjoy the challenges that present themselves, after all that's why they call it work anyway. Right now it's time to trim the extras, use the loose energy on other avenues. This chapter is about to close.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Complete Boodini

Standing on the porch at 5am, looking out at the yard and street it's a solid shower of good ole rain, and no sign of letting up. 45 degrees with a bit of wind and off we go for the morning walk of the hood. We've never missed a day in ten years no matter the weather, it's what we do, you can bet that anywhere. When the signs of things going south physically show it's ugly mug it will show with this ritual. Once out in the rain it's all about covering some ground, a good forty five to an hour is a given. This let's us know what kind of day will pass, we do want to do this. We're looking at another wet morning when it comes around, maybe we'll run through it, maybe we won't. But it will happen, if we're breathing and above the ground.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Here Comes The Rooster

Howdy Doody boys and girls, yes it is a song by one of my favs bands Alice and Chains. As I listened after all these years I had to know what it was all about. "Rooster" was Cantrell's dad's nickname cause his hair stuck up in the back. He served in Vietnam, part of the 101 airborne, and their sleeve patch was a bald eagle. Their wasn't any bald eagles in Vietnam, and the closest the folks there could compare it to was a chicken, hence the VC called the American Warriors "Chicken Men". They would walk tall machine gun men, with their M60, and the muzzle flash was compared to the tail feathers of a rooster. Hence the words they come to snuff out the rooster, but they ain't killed him yet, cause he ain't going die. Now I know.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Window is Open

If there is an important decision to be made, what is your plan of attack? Are you going to make a two sided list, pro and con. Are you going to try to ponder as realistically as you can what the best move might be? Maybe, you'll consult the opinion of someone you feel would really aid in making that wise choice. Maybe you'll pray on it, and you ask what good will that do? Maybe you will just follow your hunch and you will just feel good about that particular direction. At the end of the day, the decision will require a change, a commitment that will demand effort and possibly sacrifice. But you know it will be good for you when it is all said and done. You can ponder as long as you like and yet, you will never get started in either direction. Unless.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Charge or Retreat

The rest of the year is now all part of the same dose of the whole. This is no longer a New Year, and what lies ahead will be the joy and sorrow of living day to day. If you are all happy and the sunshine of your life is blooming there is little attention to much else but to feel the love. But when you find yourself in times of trouble, you can call Jude or Mary and let it be, but more importantly, tidy up your trench so your not fighting the demons in your slop. The stuff is going to come up, and you might as well make the best of it. It will be a little tough to take that deep breath and then get fighting  if you can't find you weapons of mass destruction cause they're laying all about. Sometimes when you get knocked out of your plan you might realize you don't control really anything. A good dose of humility will get the juices moving and you can make big changes that probably needed to happen anyway.You can go with the flow so long, and when the current stops you need to get up and crawl. Well, that's the worst case scenario, but if you have too you can rely on doing that. The important thing is you are on the move forward, and even if it isn't leaps and bounds progress is happening. That is a good thing. Now although it is a great day to be alive, it would be nice to see the sun still shining when I open my eyes.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Fifty One To Go

Alright so we have calmly gone through the first week of 2015! So we are down to only 51 weeks to finish out this year, and did I say we have plenty of time. I am amazed at how much good has been possible so far to get accomplished. Without any resolutions to snag and gripe at our ankles we are able to walk freely about without the sighs of guilt or lack of confidence in getting just the normal daily tasks accomplished. Are their any areas we would like to improve upon? Absolutely! But look at it this way, we  have no particular goals hanging over our head, or the lack of not getting them to succeed, we are free to move forward, slowly if we care to, or speed them up, and still say, " Damn it was a good day"! Be it as it may, it is what it will be.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Plenty Of Time

The general technique to truly get your wag on with procrastination is to just realize your going get to whatever you want to do just as soon as you finish what your doing. I am going to organize, I'm going to exercise, I'm going to finish that book, yes sir, I'm going.... When exactly, oh for sure in just a bit. But who really cares, well, maybe you do. I would too but I'm going start caring just as soon as I stop thinking about it. Round and round we go, where we begin nobody knows, and remember who's got the time to worry with my stuff, everyone has their own challenges. Lot's of folks are predicting what is going to happen in 2015, all is based on what was happening in 2014, and this is really important to know. Let's face it with those predictions you might get going in the right direction. Because if you don't have the right GPS setting on your world view, how are you going to go at all. Circumlocution is another prime suspect to procrastinate, so what are you waiting for? More words you can come up with to get to the point, come on now take your time, after all, what's the rush. You'll get to it!