Saturday, November 19, 2016

Shiner Hills

As a gift all I had to do was drive early to Shiner Saturday for their half marathon. It was a quick hour and forty five drive there, decent crowd of folks. As a workout and an addition to the upcoming road series, why not. Cold 40 degrees, winds at 16-20, made the direct farm road hills tough and then easier. Looks like I only wavered close to the 12 min pace at miles 11-12, but recouped on the last mile smelling the barn. 2:19 and change is not great by any means, but it was free and I got the miles in on this dress rehearsal for the next race up in two weeks. That one has more hills, and I bet it will be cold, windy and raining, now I'm prepared except for the wet. Jerk! wear a raincoat or a trash bag if you need to, there is always a solution. Shiner brewery grounds was the start and finish and there was lots of brew, and the sausage and kraut was excellent, all free as well. The only thing I would do differently is have a roll of cash for the stop at Smitty's barbecue in Lockhart on the way back. Run with Joy!

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