Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stretcher Police

So what I decided to do was test out the Hokas at the Hilll of Life and into the 3rd descent about two thirds of the way down I noticed two gals and a guy carrying something in a towel as in a stretcher. We have all seen the folks coming up from their outings and dip in the cool water we are blessed to now have in the Belt. Sometimes you can tell they've had a bit of the swirl and you might say Swillary( a pun for our Sec. of State). So I figured was someone being carried up? So Wrong. Getting to the bottom and heading up I needed to know ... and as I grabbed the corner side of the towel I heard thank you's and relieve sighs from the weight of this 80+ lb dog. It was immobile and had been bitten by a snake, and spots of blood were on the towel. We towed this guy up to the top and got Moxxie into the car and hopefully she made it to the ER in time to make it OK...makes me think. So I contemplated and did two more roundtrips up and down, and thought on the drive home I prepared for that....what about Boodini?


  1. Lets hope the poochie made it okay!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Called the two closest ER's hoping for closure, but Moxxie didn't show up at either...sons of snakes, Hate snakes...easy now easy
