Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Pontchatrain Flipper

Yes again Katrina shows her Ugly hand. In Lake Pontchatrain there is a lone dolphin who made his way into the huge lake with it's 26mile bridge when Katrina connected it with the gulf.He was left behind and has made his life there. But he has gotten pissed somewhat and bitten people, and they don't want to stand for that. They could move him back to the sea where he could die or swim back, and Fish and Wildlife now have to make a decision. Guess we might be edgy too if we went through Katrina, stuck out by oneself, maybe he needs a girlfriend, maybe it isn't Disney World, and he is wild. Nevertheless there are many bad effects on animals still to this day going on, and are they even getting better? The answer is behind those eyes of Boodini...

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