Sunday, December 30, 2012

The End of What we Knew

Just a few days left of 2012 to get all those resolutions into the bucket list. Well if I could just find that list.Now with 2013 approaching it seems Boodini is sandwiched between a real fine raspberry, that should be chafing away.But outside of working,I do not have to be overwhelmed with this or that, and fret about it not happening.I am the master of wait and see. As I wait I see a garage littered with years of this experience, a door falling off it's hinges, disarray here and there. Yes,a master of the throne looking over one's domain completely out of control. No worries! Day's gone by with unanswered hopes and dreams, goals unfulfilled. Most die of a broken heart from shattered dreams, no not this pesky critter. If it was really important it would have become a reality, forces from the Incas or some such could have a hand in it? Humbug, probally the only word worth repeating over and over. Research into goals is relatively easy. We have the technology. With this apparatus we can forge ahead now and even though we have not arrived, I am positive from our chair of iniquity we can find direction into this new year approaching.Out of the way,don't try to stop me now...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Xmas Nightmare

Silence prevailed, no call to mobilize assistance, free to leave. Away Boodini sped on the Xmas adventure. In the small town, I lay waiting in my truck as I always do, he always says"Wait!", what? As if I'm going to start the truck and take off? He does his little sanctimonious ritual at that tiny church, I sure do like the singing, Bah Humbug. Been here before and didn't much like it, it is very intimidating, you know, with the COWS!. This time when I spotted them, of course being a scenting champ, I knew they were there, but this time,oh yes, they trot away. Feeling so full of my power I pursue, but with reserve mind you. Now the tough part is the sentries at the front and back doors. There are these really mean country cats, and they live out, so they battle coons and hunt and kill things like birds and mice at will. They will chase you down. I was just going outback to get some fresh air, and zing out of some hidden box...Yikes! I scream and howl like I've been maimed, and badly clawed, although I was never touched except my pride. After all I have a mystique to uphold of being a bad ass, not out here. Good riddance to that place, that's a fine Holiday to spend time at...What was he thinking? I guess his hands were tied.

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Night Before Christmas

At this time all the elves and reindeer seem to be just where they are supposed to be, or so it would seem. There are no hidden meanings or agendas pending, most things seem to be  on an even keel. Somewhere, somehow though the scale tips downward.Children are killed, or die from some incurable illness, the faces of want and ignorance remain, beware of them both for with them is no refuge or resource. Loved ones do pass away, or have gone on..somewhere. But leaves outside show brilliant colors of the season change, and walking about the world presents a kaleidoscope of interest. When Jesus came he changed lot's. Christmas was created and is celebrated throughout. Economics and the human race was never the same. It is a time of Hope. Maybe for reclamation, or hope for things to just be the same, free of worry, free of stuff. But the world revolves. Bad things happen to good people, and all the bible verses, or Dr.Phil's cannot right the wrong, or wrong the right. There really is no need to explain, it is what it is. Courage, Patience, and strength could be what one may need to get through an impossible situation. But if history has shown us anything, it appears that the insulation of friends, family and the guy next door can uplift everyone beyond the steepest mountain, and most cases move it out of the way completely. So as I lift that glass in toast, and savor food, even though there are still workhouses and prisons, and infinite humbugs uncounted, at least at the moment, this one in particular,  everything is evenly placed for balance.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

They Ran Like the Wind

  Five times, probally should get something for lasting this long. Some hairbrain idea that always pops up with the least thought of what might happen. Well the last effort down at Inks never turned the curve because we killed it right when,..right there is that blight once again, ..right when. Lot's of people and especially canines now have their world's turned upside down. There is no telling where this whole thing might go, and right now soooo glad it's done, for this year. Will there be a next year? Will there be a 48 hr. addition? Can we get additonal sponsors? Will the runners return? Yes walking the trail dreaming of fun things five years ago might have been wonderful, now what the hell has happened? Well if anything, it must be relative, cause they came and they went, and the new now show. Yes Run Like the Wind and the dog next door, race directors just sit around drinking coffee, who would have thought. Stop thinking...Now!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

There You Are

Try being the birth of two souls in one
Part of where I'm going is where I've come from
Not being anything other than what I've been lately
All I have to do is think of me
And I have peace of mind
Tired of looking around wondering what I have to do
Or who I'm supposed to be
Why be anything other than me

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Lounge Lizard

A flashlight isn't quite sunlight
But any light at all seems bright
When your looking in the dark
A wet dream isn't the real thing
It isn't really anything
But at least it makes a spark
And if you took the threads in your closet
The cash in your wallet
The color of the skin in your blood
And how you got it compare it to yourself
Compared to someone else
You care
Pre made isn't quite homemade
But premade with a home name
Is almost just the same
Your girlfriend isn't your best friend
But any friend is best when you freezing in the rain
Your either underweight or your unfit
Overdressed or underzipped
Too depressed or you're too high
Rich and poor and black and white
Too social or just to shy as night to day
And day to night
All is relative, hell everything is relative
It's all about the way we receive it
How much we believe it
Depending on the life you lead if you lead it
Compare it to yourself
Compared to someone else You care
Everything is relative
Yes it is