Sunday, December 16, 2012

They Ran Like the Wind

  Five times, probally should get something for lasting this long. Some hairbrain idea that always pops up with the least thought of what might happen. Well the last effort down at Inks never turned the curve because we killed it right when,..right there is that blight once again, ..right when. Lot's of people and especially canines now have their world's turned upside down. There is no telling where this whole thing might go, and right now soooo glad it's done, for this year. Will there be a next year? Will there be a 48 hr. addition? Can we get additonal sponsors? Will the runners return? Yes walking the trail dreaming of fun things five years ago might have been wonderful, now what the hell has happened? Well if anything, it must be relative, cause they came and they went, and the new now show. Yes Run Like the Wind and the dog next door, race directors just sit around drinking coffee, who would have thought. Stop thinking...Now!

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