Tuesday, October 29, 2013

That Ain't No 100 Miler

Finished 50 miles of Cactus Rose, seems like a fair distance on one of the best trails, at least in my opinion, in the great state of Texas. However this on the factual side is a DNF, or an underachiever , even though to most this is a rather long day covering ground at the park. It is a forgotten luxury when you are consumed with a demanding job, lot's of high maintenance with Boodini, to be able to sleep out under a blanket of a star filled sky. There is no phone ringing, just the quiet, and it is a well kept secret at the moment that this is a run of only 350 runners. Even though that even sounds like a large number, it is about as close to what the old days of ultras were like. There is no aid other than water and ice, the course is very well marked, so your left to your own devices, I have always been so. There is no big deal, you get to see running mates and make new ones. You are inspired by the natural beauty and the courage of hard running athletes, and yet everyone fits somewhere within this circle. If you can cover 100 miles on this terrain, you certainly contain something most special. Though this world of ultras have taken participation beyond comfortable limits, if you ever finish 100 miles now you are among a very small number of the tough willed, get it done, real deal desperadoes.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wayne Webb I Need Your Help

For many weeks now on a running list there is a runner who targeted a goal race. He has gone on to describe his training, his mileage, his type of runs. He has gone on about his nutrition, hydration, shoes, he's even lined his shoes out on the living room table and left them out overnight to decide in the morning which one he will wear, complete with a picture to proof it. I figured his wife has to love that, she's not a runner. Then there was the taper before the race, what to do, what not to do. Then pictures of his drop bags, first the stuff laid out in neat piles on the floor, then packed in the tubs he explained he got a great deal on at Walmart. Tons of stuff, I thought about my first hundred, I was asked are you taking all that to eat or are you running?  He then began a science project growing stuff in a thermos to see after 24 hours how hot or cold in this case soup would remain, cause he sure liked soup at night. Then the lad starts talking about how is wife is quite upset about the expense of all the races  he has or might enter, and what to do about that. Now it is about nightmares he's having about the race itself, not staying on course, signing in and out, and what to do about that. He has remembered to address the running demons with taping positive messages in his drop bag lids, and notes to remember he is strong, determined and persevering. I really don't know what to make of it. I truly hope with all that's he's talked about to hundreds of folks he actually finishes that race.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Long Journey Home

 Worry and inconvenience was high on the agenda, after all we live north and to go south, not to mention the expense of lunch, why one thought it just wasn't fitting. What about parking, and of course what about the unforseen issues that might arise, might as well just hide underneath a stone. This is one sad sack. In this world for every rain storm there will be sunshine, sometimes a rainbow. Famous writer Tessa and Jay were plagued with the road detours for 45 minutes on the journey before progress was made. Dancer extraordinaire Bernadette and Gregorio made it to the cafe, so did Boodini's folks. There was no room in the inn, so we went to another down the block. Entertainment was at a premium with "Camilla", such an inspiring aria, or rather a corrido. We feasted on pleasantries and food and reminisced on many past occasions. Tycoon Jay picked up the tab. We hoped for the holiday cheer to once again bring us back into the fold of laughter and great karaoke fun. As everyone made their way to where they were headed, off I fled back to the asylum where  Giuseppe awaited, he had been to frightened of the demons that held him  to sneak away with me. As I gave him the praline wrapped in the napkin in our cell, I told him all understood his absence but wished he was able to come next time.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

She's Got To Run

Out of 40 dogs, Boodini was 6th overall, with bib number 4, shes was 4th, 10 sec. behind 3rd in 6 years and up, she is 8. All 6 and up placed 1-6, 6 and under filled in the rest of the overall top 6 places. Looks like the older dogs are the running vets. Boodini pulled my old ass to a 1st in that aged category. Time to work on speed work if we want to win the dog price money. Boodini was dog to show.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Just This Side of Brooklyn

We're supposed to be standing upright and moving persistently forward, so why is everything horizontal. We are destined to fall, despite every intention, resolution, or goal, sometimes we fall right out of the saddle. The sheer displeasure of losing and being a loser, beating the hell out of the dead horse gets very old. Things escalate into a biplane spin out downward spiral, a crash landing affair. Once we crawl from the wreckage, dust off,  we might be broken, but anything can be fixed. All the wonderful sayings like your not out till the fat lady sings, get up and get with it again,  the dark cloud is just before dawn, yes, does anyone have a better idea? As long as you are above the ground, it is another day in paradise. We can get up and we will win this dog race. Boodini said so! We will suffer, just learn to take it with a smile. Hang on and Go with the Flow! One more mountain and several valleys, how far do we want to go. Just make up your mind, and whatever happens look directly ahead. Even if we don't get where we planned we got somewhere. Now do it again.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Just Enough for the City

We all have hopes, alone with our hopes is the mix of actually having those hopes happen. Some say if you wish on a star, your dream will come true. Others might add if you have a strong conviction of thought that hope or wish will actually take place. Still many actually believe that faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually come true. There are others that just don't buy into that at all. As the days have passed there are writings and accounts of people and events that have taken place. Many of this phenomenon are about things we cannot see. spirits bad or good, miracles of healing, dimensions of a world outside of our own eyes to see. Mankind celebrates Halloween, Christmas, Easter, and mold those festivities to fit their believes. Across the earth some have a faith in these events, while others shun such thoughts, fact or fiction, real and unreal, true story or just another leprechaun story. It is admirable to have an open mind on many things, and yet, be unaware that we are actually closed to things we  don't understand and in a quick moment erase them as nonsense. If you have faith you have assurance of your dream, so when we flip the coin and do not, are our hopes dashed. Are the only promises that are not a given the one's we turn are backs on. Maybe all the events unseen  or we find unreal just don't fit in our world because it's just not convenient to the way we live. Maybe not.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Bullet Catcher

It was certain it would rain, and with that we all hope and depend, and for some the lack of has already ended their dreams. The Pace Bend 30K had a dry course, no rain, and it even got hot, Tracy and I poured ice water over their heads and filled their bottles. We were Mark's servants, it all got done. Mack Brown got the win at OU and is keeping his deal with UT another week. Some were highlighted as the happiest fans. ACL jammed on. After midnight though, Boodini alerted me of the storm, another all night party with her, and the rain poured, so much so that 12.5 inches hit the greenbelt at 360. I thought about Rick and how like that night of horror the water ripped thru the creek bed and rushed on. Sunday didn't disappoint with getting a call from work about how the rain messed up someone's floor, and how put out they really were. A few million dollars was probally not made with ACL being cancelled. It will rain some more, how much we will see. But at the end of day, I am glad that other's plans worked out really fun and exciting. Another great day to be alive, might even grow a fu manchu, and make some homemade soup.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Have Ya Ate Yet?

Plenty to do all around, there's intense work but it's going be Friday 5:30 somewhere. Music happenings, Pace Bend festivities, most of all, good rain! So we will act like it's all good.
It's a great day to be alive, the sun still shines when I close my eyes. There's still trouble in the neighbor hood, but why can't everyday be just this good. Now be a good Dog and eat yer dinner!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Open for Lunch

The closed and open sign, the shutdown, is a wonderful way to take something off the "do list". Things that are not necessarily needed to be done become part of some schedule, and there you have it, one more piece of a puzzle you think is necessary.  A week ago the shutdown closed Lake Georgetown, and I was signed up to do the Dare to Ascend marathon, so that got cancelled until our US is taking calls again. When it is rescheduled I probably will not be able to make the new date, and am prepared for the loss. I also did not jump into vigilante mode and run the mileage and instead attempted to do the "honey list". I decided to respond to a facebook Political comment from a friend from Virginia, and his friends are probably the old funks, using shit this and that about the Prez. That in itself might be understandable, we can see shortcomings( and using that adj. would immediately start various party sides to just have to make things right). But I stated it was something both sides of the Congress should meet in the middle, and did he really not agree? Mistake,  then began his slamming. Whatever! At 16.7 trillion dollars in doubt, maybe they realize we will never make this up. Tensions are high, and everyone hangs tightly in their bubble. It is easy to get things tangled, what you interpret sometimes is nowhere close to what is stated, knee jerk reaction takes hold, and it's a good time to hang up. That is wrong. Our social background has shaped us into a facade, maybe shutdown gives things a break, but it surely will never solve anything for discussion.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Like many cancellations and shutdowns without any reason,this blog is shutdown indefinitely. Boodini will not be reached for comment.