Thursday, October 17, 2013

Just This Side of Brooklyn

We're supposed to be standing upright and moving persistently forward, so why is everything horizontal. We are destined to fall, despite every intention, resolution, or goal, sometimes we fall right out of the saddle. The sheer displeasure of losing and being a loser, beating the hell out of the dead horse gets very old. Things escalate into a biplane spin out downward spiral, a crash landing affair. Once we crawl from the wreckage, dust off,  we might be broken, but anything can be fixed. All the wonderful sayings like your not out till the fat lady sings, get up and get with it again,  the dark cloud is just before dawn, yes, does anyone have a better idea? As long as you are above the ground, it is another day in paradise. We can get up and we will win this dog race. Boodini said so! We will suffer, just learn to take it with a smile. Hang on and Go with the Flow! One more mountain and several valleys, how far do we want to go. Just make up your mind, and whatever happens look directly ahead. Even if we don't get where we planned we got somewhere. Now do it again.

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