Tuesday, October 29, 2013

That Ain't No 100 Miler

Finished 50 miles of Cactus Rose, seems like a fair distance on one of the best trails, at least in my opinion, in the great state of Texas. However this on the factual side is a DNF, or an underachiever , even though to most this is a rather long day covering ground at the park. It is a forgotten luxury when you are consumed with a demanding job, lot's of high maintenance with Boodini, to be able to sleep out under a blanket of a star filled sky. There is no phone ringing, just the quiet, and it is a well kept secret at the moment that this is a run of only 350 runners. Even though that even sounds like a large number, it is about as close to what the old days of ultras were like. There is no aid other than water and ice, the course is very well marked, so your left to your own devices, I have always been so. There is no big deal, you get to see running mates and make new ones. You are inspired by the natural beauty and the courage of hard running athletes, and yet everyone fits somewhere within this circle. If you can cover 100 miles on this terrain, you certainly contain something most special. Though this world of ultras have taken participation beyond comfortable limits, if you ever finish 100 miles now you are among a very small number of the tough willed, get it done, real deal desperadoes.

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