Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Sly Coywolf

At 5am. it looked like any other dry cold day. As Boodini strolled down the boulevard du chateau, it began to drizzle, and that began to crystallize on everything. The dry was now glossed with ice. It didn't take long to figure this out. Then the sirens from the emergency vehicles began and on the roadways cars began to crash and pile up, some 20 vehicles in one spot. Most everyone was unaware of the impending event, and it did thrash many commuters, either in collision or sitting on the road in deadlock. The surrounding hood was locked up unless you knew the secret road through town, that would avoid what everyone else was doing, unable to change their routine in spite of the rage. It was a waiting game if you were willing and able to play it. Boodini played it, had time to walk around the street to vote in the runoff, and then head in to work with no traffic, or mess. This  was a sly trickster that had most fooled as it covered the city in trouble and turmoil. Winter continues!

Monday, January 27, 2014

It Might Take a While

5am. Friday had the streets coated with the white stuff, makes most everything stand still, there is a aura of silence that it creates. It was a time to understand how little control we have over Miss Nature. I had been waiting for this occurrence  since the beginning of December, and here it is end of January that the components were just perfect. Now in a few hours we will have a repeat performance, possibly. Time and temperature had it vanish just as quickly as it came. Boodini thinks some people are tired of winter, and if we lived in Minnesota this weather is like summer, well not exactly. But so fast it will change and then change again. Well anyway we'll figure something out.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

You Want Quantity but Lose Quality

Boodini doesn't have fleas, ticks, or other pests that usually come with the package. There have been a few very cold icy, snow filled interims we have enjoyed. There might be one now. When daylight comes we'll see how it looks. For now we wait. Waiting for what, another mystery I suppose. The suspense isn't killing us, because if there is one thing Boodini does best is hang out. But if I make a move, hanging is yesterday's blues. It's like a pack of two. Hang and move.
In a few days it will be race time again. How far will it lead, sixty miles, eighty miles, one hundred. No sleep till Brooklyn, or no chicken fried steak, or mashed and gravy. For some thirty hours on the move, no time to hang. Moving like a desperate animal, in search of what completes the existence. To drop or not to drop, is never a question. It is a non stop doubt that floods the better judgement, but it is just a temptation that is snipped before it takes root. An ounce of prevention and such and such. At the end of day, nothing really matters. Because twenty five years from now we'll never know the difference. Will you?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Across the Years

Last year is still news when looking for the bookmark of where to begin anew. Two weeks into the new year and we are making very small steps, rather than fits and starts that only end too quickly. We all need our goals and hopes to motivate us on. Sometimes those around us can do just that. It is not easy to carry through on plans when things like illness, work, and the rest of the grabbing world wants to change things. So it is uncertain how things can play out. Maybe if  we don't get too far ahead we won't end up with the big disappointments. So pursuing some kind of level up plan from last year can provide a very good base foundation. That goes for anything we have or have not been doing. Boodini needs some sort of structure, a specific time and routine. She likes the lights to always be the same, if they start changing too much she gets angry. Red light, green light, don't be throwing in a yellow or blue here and there that's very confusing. Then the ankles get real appealing, tasty little morsels. Same for us, we start getting all bent and out of sorts. Things we needed to do don't get done, we try to do too much, then too little, blue, yellow, ugh. The turtle wins the race.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Artwork for our Park

What is that? A rendition of a leaf, beautifying a park, the hood park. Didn't know it was necessary to do that but there you have it, out in front, top dead center, for all the neighborhood to relish the wondrous sight. I am sure there are some fabulous art world terms to describe it's construction, and it does look like someone spent far to much time on this fine showmanship. But now it's in the park. Maybe on borrow, then it is deconstructed and brought somewhere else, that's right, to some other neighborhood park. But for now there it is, The Leaf that is, Boodini had to have her picture taken by it.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Lady Sings Just the Small Parts

Thursday has arrived, and "Let's start where we left off". We've heard this all to often. But it is the best reference point to what we know has passed. We holidayed and had the happy times and the hope of promises to come. Celebrating the spirit of what we personally knew Christmas to be, and excited with what it could mean and be shared with each other. We are faced now with the afterburner, and wonder is it over already? Down with the lights, ornaments, trees, and out with the wrappings and refuse of the gifts, pondering the kind and generous words which we gave to one another. The great expectations are they really faced with even bigger disappointments? The unfinished work that still sits before us, the same old job, from shootings and economic downward spiral, do these things to come leave the grim perspective that the upside down world gets closer daily to our very front door? We check the list of the resolutions and goals, that we know in the past New Years we never kept anyway. Maybe this time around we don't even have a list, because we don't need the Humbug. Hope, from the point where we left off, the high and low points, all were accomplished by the faithfulness and constancy of the small doings. The starts and stops, the lukewarmness left from the zealous efforts, all fail us, and is that such an amazing fact? One small step for mankind forward, by each of us, we move forward and gain the ground of accomplishment we dream of, all be it slowly. Be anonymous. Lighten up, give yourself some room to smell the roses. At the end of the day, it is up to us to make our world right side up.