Thursday, January 23, 2014

You Want Quantity but Lose Quality

Boodini doesn't have fleas, ticks, or other pests that usually come with the package. There have been a few very cold icy, snow filled interims we have enjoyed. There might be one now. When daylight comes we'll see how it looks. For now we wait. Waiting for what, another mystery I suppose. The suspense isn't killing us, because if there is one thing Boodini does best is hang out. But if I make a move, hanging is yesterday's blues. It's like a pack of two. Hang and move.
In a few days it will be race time again. How far will it lead, sixty miles, eighty miles, one hundred. No sleep till Brooklyn, or no chicken fried steak, or mashed and gravy. For some thirty hours on the move, no time to hang. Moving like a desperate animal, in search of what completes the existence. To drop or not to drop, is never a question. It is a non stop doubt that floods the better judgement, but it is just a temptation that is snipped before it takes root. An ounce of prevention and such and such. At the end of day, nothing really matters. Because twenty five years from now we'll never know the difference. Will you?

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