Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Sly Coywolf

At 5am. it looked like any other dry cold day. As Boodini strolled down the boulevard du chateau, it began to drizzle, and that began to crystallize on everything. The dry was now glossed with ice. It didn't take long to figure this out. Then the sirens from the emergency vehicles began and on the roadways cars began to crash and pile up, some 20 vehicles in one spot. Most everyone was unaware of the impending event, and it did thrash many commuters, either in collision or sitting on the road in deadlock. The surrounding hood was locked up unless you knew the secret road through town, that would avoid what everyone else was doing, unable to change their routine in spite of the rage. It was a waiting game if you were willing and able to play it. Boodini played it, had time to walk around the street to vote in the runoff, and then head in to work with no traffic, or mess. This  was a sly trickster that had most fooled as it covered the city in trouble and turmoil. Winter continues!

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