Monday, February 3, 2014

The Spirit of Cissy

As I gaze out on the winters view of Lake Livingston from the panoramic deck view of the home built in minds eye of Gene, memories of a young boy living on the coast of Port Isabel flood through my hour glass. The voice of the curator calls to go down below to " The Dungeon" and show me the portal that would lead to a fascinating discovery. As my vision begins to focus, all the articles of people's life comes into perception, and I see a painting of what is obviously Daniel in the Lions Den. A small postcard also of the painting is in the corner of the frame indicating the work is done by Rubens in 1615. Maybe Cissy and Gene liked this so much they bought it. Ignorant me, to not grasp the underlining theme of reality here, as so often in Boodini's life, to miss the true essence of the book by judging it's cover. Gene remarks this was painted by Cissy. There are no words that would express the feeling and depth that overwhelmed my core,  it goes far beyond the finish of running 100 miles. In the home of a living Master Painter enters my life and it is an OMG moment! The curator points to stained glass work, and immediately the door upstairs that I saw as I walked into their home the night before flushes through me to realize that Cissy has also touched the face of the Angels and brought it to earth. Upstairs now all the art work of this home is not what it was before as a place that is just well decorated, it has become a place that must feel like a small part of Heaven ornamented with the artwork given from the heart of a servant to their Master. The Vanity stain glass, the Napoleonic Officer of the Imperial Horse Guard Charging by Gericault in 1814, who actually died himself of a horse fall ten years later, overflow with passion. Later at Buddy's house the brush of the Queen recreates the McCarthy painting of the Lone Sentinel, this is actually painted better than the creator in my opinion because the peaks in the warriors distance are full of the spirit of mountain majesty, and the stallion is depicted as really being alive and ready to spring at the strike of the heel. There are no words, but the feeling of joy from this marvelous, bewildering talent, it goes beyond any sentiment Boodini will ever know. What priceless art treasures lie hidden somewhere near Coldsprings hopefully will be shared for many to see and cherish. I know I always will! To every Season there is a Purpose, Turn! Turn! Turn!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post regarding a very special lady. Thank you.
