Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Petition The Lord with Prayer

Jim Morrison of the Doors said You cannot Petition The Lord with prayer. That makes sense to me, since God is all knowing I figure you don't need to let him know what he already knows to do.I find it also amusing when people say that God never answers your prayers sometimes the way you want them. So why ask?  I was reading a blog from a very gifted ultra runner, although they haven't been around long, and like many up and coming, they come and then we don't hear about them anymore. Flashes in the pan. I read this blog to find out why they DNFed a race this runner said would shatter the record and dominate. This person has had some very good wins in higher profile races. They have received endorsements from gear companies, and there is certainly nothing new about that. There are some great runners that continue to be great people as well, and the fame doesn't seem to change their demeanor. So with the social media, people tend to say look at me,me,me. So that isn't news either. But this runner seems to have the role in posts being about how good they are. But when the runner used the God card my thoughts about The Big Man answering their prayers differently, as in DNFing versus shattering the record, and not always understanding God's message made me think. We have eyes but we don't see, ears that do not hear. So this scripture came to mind. "He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart, he has put down the mighty from their thrones, And has raised the lowly". Another, " He came not to be served , but to serve, from Psalms, " The Lord takes pleasure in the humble, and adorns them with success". I know of great runners that run phenomenal times, but no matter they remain great people as well. It's not so complicated when your a peasant, I suppose.

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