Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Laissez les bons temps rouler

Bandera was done, and Rocky was not even a consideration. In comes Jeff to begin the rant about getting another 100M finished. There was no preparation to accomplish this, but being old enough to have a pacer from the start to finish convinced us both that it was time to just go spend some good times running in Huntsville. Why not? I figured we would start together, and be done when we had enough or it had enough from us. That's what happens when Boodini thinks in his own world. Jeff had other plans, he told me two days before he was not starting till the third loop. No worries, but now this made things serious. Shouldn't it be though, aren't we obligated to always try to do our best? The drive to Huntsville was interesting having three hours in Olga's company, and we talked  as if we actually knew each other. Olga is so very fascinating. The hotel that usually is nice turned out to be disappointing. It reminded me of the run at Wasatch where our room was a disaster and we got another the next day. There was no next day, we would be running. What can I say, the first forty miles were steady and on some kind of target, it was humid and I was soaked from perspiration. When I left Damnation and called Jeff he said he was on the way in park rd. to hook up with me, that was a good jolt. I was really in need of  his conversation, and thinking real strong about one Advil at the finish of the loop. To start the third loop Jeff came with homemade black bean guacamole tacos, and peanut butter heaven bars. That was perfect, because solid food is a must. About 50 miles, I switched back to liquid fuel , but it was slow to react and I faded into the death march category. Jeff  in my opinion  handled this well. We both decided to end the race at 60 miles, and truck over to Misty, Gene and Cissy at Lake Livingston. Smart, smart move. This was a great adventure. The 100 mile race eludes me to date. It is something I will finish alone. I have always thought that to involve others in this purely selfish desire is not fair to your loved ones. Now that is just me mind you! It is selfish in the sense that it is always you and you alone to deal with the journey sometimes good and sometimes horrendously bad. Only you decide to walk to a start line, only you decide to continue. People along the way will always try to help you, but it is only Boodini who will finally decide to finish what she starts. I figure I have started over fifty 100 mile races, only finished 29! And Yes, I will hit that 30 finish mark, not for anything about me, but for Jeff. All my ultra days that man has hounded me to start my first 100, and he badgers me to date to finish number 30. I will overcome because my pacer copilot gives a damn and is all in my face!

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