Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Paddy's Day Happy Happy!

St. Patrick was actually from Scotland and at an early age of 16 he was enslaved to a Druid high priest and tended his master's sheep. But he learned the Celtic language and the rituals of Druidism. He escaped back to Scotland where he entered religious life and soon discovered he missed Ireland. In a vision he was given a letter which read" The Voice of Ireland", and he could hear the Irish folk appeal to him to come and walk with them. He went back and paid his ransom to his old master, and began preaching the Word. He would use the shamrock as a sign to explain the Trinity. His legacy remains to this day.
Yes it's a fine day indeed, and a Top of the Morning to you! Enjoy Celtic music, enjoy Harp and Guinness, and do a fine jig! Happy Happy Happy! Irish Rules!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting that. I did not know all of the history. We spent the weekend in Dallas welcoming a new grandchild, and managed to make it to the Trinity Hall Irish Pub for a Guinness and an Irish Car Bomb.
