Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Church Song

   Probably after running a hundred miles in the Wasatch Mtns might make me a little silly, slightly light headed. Sitting in the Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake after running that race might make me a little emotional, it is after all my number one fav church. Combine that with a final leg of four 100's finishing the Grand Slam of Ultrarunning and listening to the children's choir in that Church sing the song below threw me over the edge. Yes and why not, I think this is my all time favorite church song. So if you get a chance look up Patty Griffin's version on Downtown Church , I happened upon it the other day, what can I say? Be Thankful cause Tis the Season!

All creatures of our God and King
Lift up your voice and with us sing
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thou rising moon, in praise rejoice,
Ye lights of evening, find a voice!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thou rushing wind that art so strong
Ye clouds that sail in Heaven along,
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thou rising moon, in praise rejoice,
Ye lights of evening, find a voice!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thou flowing water, pure and clear,
Make music for thy Lord to hear,
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thou fire so masterful and bright,
That givest man both warmth and light
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Monday, November 24, 2014

You Want What?

So last Wednesday we celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary. That's really something for her to live with a jerk like Boodini's dad. Well at least I figured that until I read about my sister who has just discovered she's been married 35 years. Crazy thing about it she's way younger than I, someone like myself shouldn't even be still living, but 35 years that's nuts! When I go to thinking about it this happened 35 years ago when I wasn't even living with my folks, and she was. This is back when my kid sisters and brother were embezzling the food money from dad, and he was so out of it that it never dawned on him he was eating garlic/olive oil spaghetti every night. Well it made it easy for my sister to run off at 15 years old and marry my now brother in law. That's how 35 years adds up. So what right, well, now I hear yesterday morning Mr. Magician wakes up way early than his norm saying "Yo Quiero Taco Bell". So after 35 years they run off and eat whatever they serve over there at that place. I just can't get that image out of my head, you know, that frigging mustached Chihuahua dog with a sombrero on it's head saying those very words. Yes sir, that's how old I am, most don't even remember than commercial. This is all nuts, and yes I am clueless!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Be Cool

Since momentarily we are staying put, Boodini is taking the thunder and rain somewhat calmly. It would seem that just by my presence she is able to lie still, in the past it would just be a constant pacing and panting in one direction and then back again. Alone, there would not be much of a door left to scratch a hole through. It started late, the heavy stuff that is, but it has been raining since yesterday, and that is good news. I am not sure it's necessary to stick to the regular schedule and leave, and maybe change things up to accommodate the calmness for Boodini is not a bad idea. Maybe?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Rants From The Editor

Just the other day an editor of a magazine said they were tired of the vanilla ice cream lack of respect for writers. This "writer" stated if they sold something on Craig's list they wouldn't call themselves a salesman, or if they taped up a cut appendage that wouldn't make them a doctor either. They were quite grumpy I thought about how can someone who slaps something on paper or the web call themselves a writer. They might want to watch their back because those same slappers of paper and web may get that title from them as editor.  Which brings me to the fact that  Boodini lays down a bunch of ridiculous words, making  little or no sense on a blog might really annoy this editor, might even make them mad that lots of us just put up stuff and are seriously showing little respect. Maybe shutting this crap down and stop littering the Internet would show that us non writers care about respect. Well, surprisingly enough I was actually reading, and was directed to a web page that you could cut and paste your written junk and then they would analyze who you wrote like, comparing you to Real Writers. Wow Suddenly I became somebody, a writer of sorts you might say. Each time I cut and pasted even the best or in my case worst Fresh Garbage I was a famous mirror of writing genius! Maybe Boodini should get a little mad and grumpy now, Nah, Boodini already does enough of that!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Weather Psychiatry

I was reading words on a page and the writer describes the trees swaying from the howling northerly winds, and dark clouds racing across the sky. Speaking to the weather they would simply say take a deep breath, be calm, all would pass soon, as they compared themselves to a psychiatrist, in this case a weather psychiatrist. What a concept, this doctor of mental healing, must come with a diagnosis of symptoms from problems exterior or interior to devise steps toward healing. Maybe fracking and drilling now become like domestic abuse, that creates the breaks and fissures in the faults that generate earthquakes and tsunamis. Transportation that build factories and refineries giving off the huge avenue of contamination to water and air are compared to the many addictions that devastate the lives of many. The colossal hurricanes and flooding are compared to the symptoms of the anger and killing of the innocence in schools and public places. Global warming is somehow related to the inability to return to normalcy of living after the traumas of war, loss from disease, of home and family. It would be a tall order as a weather psychiatrist to solve the World's problems when there are so many trigger points created by the humans that live on its immensity.  Then there is the Power that will never listen to the remedy when greed is more important than future.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


  Alright so it looks to me that a gifted chef decides to cook up some squash, and for some reason decides to double the cooking time. The Texas burn center is close by and luckily not needed. The squash caramelizes all the sugars below the usual solid skin, and when ole cheffy pokes into it, yes thats right, it explodes. Try putting a dozen eggs in the microwave and cranking it up. Maybe ole cheffy should wear protective eye goggles, and a bomb suit.
  So it looks like this old dude  I know has really been cranking off the miles, and that's great. It is great to know that they amuse themselves thinking of doing what they did ten years ago. Hopefully they will.
  Then there's Boodini and me, ten years later, 365, rain, sleet, or shine walking the hood, growing old and ready to die.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

No Matter Who's On Top

Six years ago Americans were wanting a change from being buried in debt while chasing after non existent WMD's, a failed  do what you want Wall Street with no regulation, lack of disaster relief with Katrina, and the Republicans and Bush were having nothing to do with clean up. Enough folks elected a Democratic black president who's slogan resonated change. We've made a complete turn around and have handed it all back to the Republicans because once again Americans feel they now have the answers. It is democracy, freedom to choose. The Republic of Texas was not fooled by an Obama look alike so painted with theatre makeup she resembled a blonde white lady. Meanwhile racism and bigotry still live in the shadows, and women are still no better than second class citizens with no right to choose. Folks still starve and are hungry, deadly disease runs untamed, and Isis, the new Reich. gathers recruits around the globe. The world is definitely broken, and if we think this change in government will better things, there's good luck in Las Vegas. The problems are just beginning with liberals, conservatives, and tea party extraordinaries, who haven't been doing much leaning across the aisle on either side, and from the likes of Cruz, Rubio, and Paul walls are going up to keep it all out, or shut it down. Beyond politicians, Power is still Power, no matter who's on top. Most will give it all up when it requires any sacrifice, and integrity and trust for one another is so last week.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Till Next Year

Halloween is disturbing because of the way that grownups have become so engrossed in “celebrating” this made up holiday. Halloween is a multibillion-dollar commercial enterprise, for which refined sugars are offered as “food” and vacant shopping mall spaces are briefly occupied with “Spirit” stores purveying immodest slut outfits for overweight middle-aged women.It’s seen as “normal” to pay up to $10 for a single pumpkin, which isn’t just normal but necessary (unless you really do want to hasten the end of the world). Does anyone care that pumpkins cost so much, despite the fact that children everywhere do not receive adequate diets of fresh fruits and vegetables?No one actually eats the pumpkins, except the squirrels! If we simply bought Halloween sweet potatoes we could at least feed some people! Isn’t there a bit of avarice in such a display? Squirrels or not, Halloween pumpkins end up a disgusting mess on the front porch for someone to clean up, and disgusting messes are always my favorite ways to spend $50.Bars and dance clubs – ever adept at removing inhibitions through “theming” and “branding” – devise “spooky” drinking games and concoct libations served in plastic cauldrons and sputtering dry ice fog. Pop songs are remixed with spooky sound effects. People too old for Halloween find another excuse to overindulge and behave like horny zombies, “twerking” and “grinding” all over the place.Halloween is the celebration of excess. It wouldn’t exist but for a culture and economy that is so self-referential that it excuses the admittance of the wholesome and healthy in exchange for the base and sensual. Holidays are supposed to be feasts! At a holiday table, you should find good things that elevate body and mind: rich foods, fine drink, hearty laughs, and warm hearths.Perhaps there are spiritual pitfalls in celebrating Halloween, but secular culture so heartily rejects the reality of evil that the likelihood of anyone encountering anything other than gross overconsumption is actually very low.What I’m saying is that the evil to be found in Halloween is the same as sin itself: it is stupid. It is a celebration of the inane and pointless. There is no virtue. There is nothing edifying. There is no great mystery, no reason for hope or joy as with actual holidays. There is no silver lining within dark clouds. There isn’t even dark. There is only dim: dimness in mind, heart, and soul.While at Halloween even the devil isn’t taken seriously, you can seriously be assured he likes it that way. The devil likes plausible deniability. He is, after all, the Father of Lies. What’s the point of possession if candy, sex, and stupidity does the job far more easily and cheaply?