Sunday, January 22, 2017

Through This Fist Style

It was windy as hell, but most of it was a sidewinder, while some was in your face and at your back. Never have run 3M with any training, and this was no different, 5 miles a week average is very pathetic for a half marathon. But somehow this race is a real kick in the pants. They call it the "Downhill to Downtown". Years ago I ran the thing in 1:41, this year 2:13, ouch I know! But if you keep doing the same thing over and over nothing is going to change. There is the One Pin in the Lane now to knock down in the challenge, Austin Marathon. Then you get the jacket. I've got 7 hours, 16 minute miles,  can I do it? Maybe. Got four weeks leading up to Feb. 19th, will I work it with that time or lay around with Boodini, probably the latter. LMAO! Thank you very much! Keep you posted. Now go run with Joy!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Throne of Woes

Just into  2017 and all those resolutions have been placed neatly in the bucket list. Well if I could just find that list. Now it seems Boodini is sandwiched between a real fine raspberry, that should be chafing away. But outside of working, I do not have to be overwhelmed with this or that, and fret about it not happening. I am the master of wait and see. As I wait I see a garage littered with years of this experience, a door falling off it's hinges, disarray here and there. Yes, a master of the throne looking over one's domain completely out of control. No worries! Day's gone by with unanswered hopes and dreams, goals unfulfilled. Most die of a broken heart from shattered dreams or the bitch that left them, no not this pesky critter. If it was really important it would have become or been made into a reality, forces from the Incas, maybe Russia, or some such could have a hand in it? Humbug, probably the only word worth repeating over and over again, or praying constantly.  Research into accomplishing goals or doing at least something is relatively easy. We have the technology, certainly we don't lack a wealth of verbal or written self help dialogue. With this apparatus we can forge ahead now and even though we have not arrived, I am positive from our chair of iniquity we can find direction into this new year already passing. Out of the way, don't try to stop me now, get your own wag on! Boodini limps along!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Post

Tuesday has arrived, and "Let's start where we left off". We've heard this all to often. But it is the best reference point to what we know has passed. We holidayed and had the happy times and the hope of promises to come. Celebrating the spirit of what we personally knew Christmas to be, and excited with what it could mean and be shared with each other. We are faced now with the afterburner, and wonder is it over already? Down with the lights, ornaments, trees, and out with the wrappings and refuse of the gifts, pondering the kind and generous words which we gave to one another. The great expectations are they really faced with even bigger disappointments? The unfinished work that still sits before us, the same old job, from shootings and everyone mad and hateful, do these things to come leave the grim perspective that the upside down world gets closer daily to our very front door? We check the list of the resolutions and goals, that we know in the past New Years we never kept anyway. Maybe this time around we don't even have a list, because we don't need the Humbug. Hope, from the point where we left off, the high and low points, all were accomplished by the faithfulness and constancy of the small doings. The starts and stops, the lukewarmness left from the zealous efforts, all fail us, and is that such an amazing fact? One small step for mankind forward, by each of us, we move forward and gain the ground of accomplishment we dream of, all be it slowly. Be anonymous. Lighten up, give yourself some room to smell the roses. At the end of the day, it is up to us to make our world right side up. Twenty five years from now we'll still not know the difference.
Drive the winter away with your warmth and good nature!