Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Throne of Woes

Just into  2017 and all those resolutions have been placed neatly in the bucket list. Well if I could just find that list. Now it seems Boodini is sandwiched between a real fine raspberry, that should be chafing away. But outside of working, I do not have to be overwhelmed with this or that, and fret about it not happening. I am the master of wait and see. As I wait I see a garage littered with years of this experience, a door falling off it's hinges, disarray here and there. Yes, a master of the throne looking over one's domain completely out of control. No worries! Day's gone by with unanswered hopes and dreams, goals unfulfilled. Most die of a broken heart from shattered dreams or the bitch that left them, no not this pesky critter. If it was really important it would have become or been made into a reality, forces from the Incas, maybe Russia, or some such could have a hand in it? Humbug, probably the only word worth repeating over and over again, or praying constantly.  Research into accomplishing goals or doing at least something is relatively easy. We have the technology, certainly we don't lack a wealth of verbal or written self help dialogue. With this apparatus we can forge ahead now and even though we have not arrived, I am positive from our chair of iniquity we can find direction into this new year already passing. Out of the way, don't try to stop me now, get your own wag on! Boodini limps along!

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