Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Next Right Thing

  In a series of conversations I was once again assured that we think firmly about something and we actually begin or do believe it to be true. For the most part the world is very divisive these days probably for this very reason. Once in awhile someone walks our path and they are very different. The persona they carry is glowing with admirable character, and this is developed, nurtured, practiced, after all they worked on it till it became a habit. Most will say or remember them by the fact that they were so kind, or loving to all, or any of a number of great qualities. This person is a magnet, people want to be in their company. Unfortunately  most of us believe in the lie, you know, "I'm not that good, how can I possibly reach that level of existence", etc. We all begin to accept the defeat, we stop persevering, we become despondent, we end up taking so much less. We develop nothing, we are just plain lazy, we won't or practice anything. We end up with those results, then we let everyone know what a shit hole life is. So you attract nothing, you give nothing, you just take. Look into the lives of these special few, learn to dial back the lie and live the real dream about yourself, and it will be work. Expect zero in return.

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