Saturday, December 24, 2011

Only one hour?...You better Get Out! And find that Dog!

Not enough time has been afforded to the plan, that is not out of the norm. Because there is a definite reason. None of which make things roll any differently from what the intention or effort has been. If you don't get out and find that dog, you simply can't expect this dog to place or show. Now let it be a lesson this next time around that the things that will be, can and will become found, as what should be. Because you will get out there, regardless of the energy spent, you will most certainly get out there and find that Dog!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Run Like the Wind....Number4

Tough rainy, cold weather. Jeff and Mark were the only Volunteers, they made the Big Diff, and Boodini, hell, what can get done that we can't do? The runners did come, like a new day risin, really believe we were livin the dream, cost quite a bit and the payoffs all went to the Dogs! When you ain't got nothin ya ain't got nothin to lose. Times like these you learn to give and give again. Thanks guys, thanks runners, I know what your thinkin...thanks for comin round!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Time and Time Again

Know what your thinking, seem to be going down, can feel the sinking, but then we came around. You learn to live again,a new day rising, a new sky that hangs stars upon tonight. Everyone you've loved before flashed before your eyes, and nothing mattered any more, looked up to the sky. Wanted something better, wanted something new,wanted something beautiful, wished for something true.Been looking for a reason, till your head is spinning, this is our beginning coming to and end, and feeling like it's over, there's another round for you. Looking to the sky to save us, looking for a sign of life, looking cause we're tired of trying, make the way back home again when we learn to fly. Might be done nursing patience, run tell all the angels, this could take all night, cause everything's alright. Learn to live again, give and give again, to love again, time and time again.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Running Crazy

The 22nd of Oct. began the Donkey Dash, so we ran and won a first. Oct. 29th, Cactus Rose 50M proved to be the most awesome in the Hills of Bandera. On to the Run for the Rovers with a 4th overall Dog, prize money and 33# of Ultra Dog food, a 2nd place for me. Nov. 19th knocked off the Wild Hare 50K, at least
it was a better effort on that same course two years ago. Now what? It's just getting good, and the future is
so bright, we'll have to wear shades.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Boo Halloweenie!

We can be so spookie, all dressed up and out with the Ghouls thrashing about. We will trick your treat, and we can be whatever. Happy Times from the Beauty Queen from Mars.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Boo's Wish

Hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow, and each road leads you where you want to go, and if you're faced with a choice, and you have to chose, hope you chose the one that means the most to you, and if one door opens to another door closed, hope you keep on walkin till you find the window, if it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile.
Hope you never look back, but you never forget, all the ones who loves you, in the place you left, hope you always forgive, and you never regret, and you help somebody every chance you get, oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake, and you always give more than you take.
Hope more than anything, Boo's wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to, your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small, and you never need to carry more than you can hold, and while you're out there getting where you're getting to, hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Boodini the Runner

 You feel like a candle in a hurricane. Just like a picture with a broken frame. Alone and helpless, like you've lost your fight. But you're alright. Life's like a novel, with the end ripped out. The edge of a canyon, with only one way down. Take what you're given before it's gone. Start holding on, keep holding on. Everytime you get up and get back in the race, one more piece of you starts to fall in to place.
 Cause when push comes to shove, you taste what you're made of. You might bend, till you break cause its all you take. On your knees you look up, decide you've had enough. You get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off. Then you Stand! Patience, Passion, Determination, Courage, Desire, Expression.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Guess that's why They call it the Boo

  Push on a shove don't mean much,truth, lies and inbetween, and wrong can't be undone. Whisper on a scream doesn't change a thing. Don't bring you back. Oh slipped, from the tip of my tongue. Cold on Ice, joker on a jack, match on a fire. Night Falls, Tears on a river.
  Don't wish it away, it won't last forever, honestly say,things will only get better! Dust out inside and it won't be long before you and I run,laughing like children, living like lovers, rolling like thunder, and that's why they call it the Boo. What...guess that's why. Guess I didn't know, get busy child.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Just in Time!

Before you came my time was running low. I was lost, the losing dice were tossed. My bridges all were crossed, nowhere to go. Now you're here, now I know just where I'm going. No more doubt or fear, I've found my way. For Love came Just in Time, You found me Just in Time, and changed my lonely nights that lucky day!

Friday, August 12, 2011

1 Shy of 100

Had he been alive today, yes 100, ok next year! One of great patience, kindness, and a willingness to laugh whatever the cost. His goodness overflowed to all he met and everyone sure got on well with him. What really was he like, like no other. He was always there for you, he had nothing distasteful to ever say, and it seemed that nothing ever shook his gentle disposition. Not just saying this cause, only cause it was real and the plain truth. Love of his family and always wishing for harmony with great hope even when it just wasn't going to happen. He was the Best of the Best! Happy B day Pappa, always thinking of you!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Yes maybe not religious enough to understand it all but in the scheme of passings maybe there was actually  a baptism with Katrina, and it certainly changed quite a few lives, and in that living what experiences and challenges,changes,and maybe even a confirmation. It certainly would be considered a communion. Yes maybe its all about the past, present, and the things to come. Having a hand to make things lighter for all, many hands do make for light work!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Train Keeps a Comin

It is great to be in the San Juan Mountains. Sitting by the railroad tracks, or close to the river by the
evergreens.Feeling the cool air and just enjoying the fact that the best thing to do all day is just enjoy
all that is around you. Enjoy indeed. So when you think that you need to renew only lead yourself back
to the path least traveled, sit by that track, that river, and reflect. The way any Boodini would do.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Living Waters

She kept on about the Living Waters, with that childlike voice only she is 50 something. But in the heat of the chase, and you are actually enthralled in the beauty of powerful waterfalls and the rushing Animas River, what can you actually not agree with. It is very soothing and exhilarating all in the same instance.
Boodini doesn't care, it isn't baking like a chocolate chip cookie in Texas, i's running with the Living Water.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Like No Other

When you arrive your high up.And if you look even higher you see Him. So you always go up
and get a close look. Once your there you look down from where you came and that is the town.
Like No Other. Now just being surrounded by very high mountains, and even though your 9300+ ft.
the big ones above and around you are just in the inner circle. Behind them are more and then some more. The last great wilderness in the continental USA! Yes it is a breath stealer, and you live here within the Dream. You are as high as you will ever want to be!

Monday, July 11, 2011

What the Fourth of July Dreams

Yes there was the Cruiser with the machine gun, and Major Dick flew with the ThunderBirds. We cooked
for the Veterans and they in turn carried the load again raising money for kids scholarships from the people
that came in that 4th in that Colorado town and bought our plates of food. Chicago Jack and I set up the buffet, and I cut, cooked and BBQed until they stopped coming in. Gary served in the Nautilus Sub in Vietnam, others in WW2, Korea, and they carried Our Colors proudly in the parade. It was a fine day, made me cry to think how they risked everything to keep us enjoying running, eating, doing what we want
when we want, cause at the end of the day, it isn't about you or me and thunder. It was them, alone against all odds keeping the demons at bay! God Bless all the Vets!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Mountain Cooking...Getter Done

That was the plan and it got done. Those Hardrockers needed their grub and Boodini felt at home
in the Veteran Kitchen in Ole Silverton. Somehow with a few long shifts between breaks at 9300ft.
mountain trails,all came together. Of course this was not the first Rodeo here, but what was different was
the layout and the pack out. Sometimes you have got to Do when you think that you Don't. At the end of the day someone benefited and it was the Run Commitee, Boo is a true Volunteer, always going and not
asking a lot of questions, because at the end of the day you actually got to go...somewhere! Give that a
whirl my friend.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rick's Run

It was 7/7/07 when Rick ran thru the greenbelt and left us that night in the storm. Yesterday about nine of
us started a memorial run doing what Mamas called the Longhorn Marathon Dam run. We didn't have a photo album to remember him by, but we all had run and shared races and great times. So we ran together, visited where Jim and Doug had found his body and where stands the Cross marker.We experience once again what we never know we will again. We had a chance to get together as in days gone by, and did what bonded us all together the Long marathon distance, the miles, the heat, the endurance. It was about Rick, and it was about something that makes us all complete"livin our dream". This we will always share
and will be always.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Two working Two waiting

That's the way great cooking is done. A multi task, a time bump, a bahda bing, and yes sir we are cured!
Lot's or little planning going on, maybe a lot to do about nothing, and then again, without a thought out schedule the soup won't get done. It seems like going from indecision to committing will put the fire and pots in action after a layoff back in the Mountains, and these will be the tall ones. What will we be learnin and burnin?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

So Now What

 Sometimes a break or just stopping to check things out, smell the roses, whatnot is just fine. Usually a good time to set new sights of a different endeavor. Seems like a pulling off the trail and a look around will get the ole wheels a rolling with new strength and clarity. The power of carting.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It is Xmas

He was a Cowboy, he could spin a yarn, catch a fish, cook on that open fire. He was good Ole Saint Nick!
He lived the dream, and we lived it for a short time with him, he came bearing a gift, and he saved that dogs life, yes the one sitting next to him, "The DogFather".

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Mother's Day

Slumber my darling, thy mother is near. Guarding thy dreams from terror and fear. Sunlight
has passed and the twilight has gone, slumber my darling the night's coming on. Sweet visions attend thy sleep. Fondest, dearest to me while others their revel keep, I will watch over thee. Slumber my darling the birds are at rest. Wandering dew by the flowers are caressed. I'll wrap thee up warm, till morn blushing ray, brings to the world glad tidings of day. Fill the dark void with thy dreamy delight, slumber, thy mother will guard the night. Thy pillow shall sacred be, from all outward alarm. Thou art the world to me in thine innocent charm. So slumber my darling,the birds are at rest, wandering dews by the flowers are caressed. Pray that the angels will shield thee from harm.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Suitable for Framing

We were MAMAS then and still are. We run when we can, and love the trail. Today was no different.
Today it was all about us. Living the dream, as Lee always said! Boodini knows it's out there, and is always on the LookOut.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Writing On The Wall

 If it was a snake that's what bit me. Figuratively, of course. Sometimes seeing is believing, and when you cannot, the choice is a given. Looking eye to eye, working with many hands makes for light work. Such are the cliches that take up a days time. Finding out that we are able to change schedules and make things work  always is better than not achieving at all. So the point being, since it isn't all about me, but
Boodini, it's best to take that spoonful of, yes that's right, and move forward so that good will rise.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Once You Get Them Running Stay On Top of Them

 One thing for certain, persistence will complete the task. Someone will sacrifice against all odds if they are moved by principle or goal. Maybe a motivator need only be established, every step then follows. If you believe in what you are doing you will stay on top of those aims or ambitions. Maybe that continuance builds experience and strength for the next battle. At the end of the day what you gave will be your reward.
Be a Stonewall.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Yams and Gospel Bird

 It wasn't a medallion with reduced rasperry demi glace, or a crown rib of boar with mango chutney.
But Venison, boar, and portabellos stuffed with spinach( those cowpokes must have come from New York City) was a cowboy feast at the cowboy camp. Cross that off the bucket list.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jump or Down

This time next week will be history. The jury will be in, and whatever patch this proves to be will have passed. Not sure why this seemed like such a good thing, when the time came though it had one wondering. Been in doubt lot's of time, but the die are cast. It is only now that with all angles of the reality picture moving simultaneously does it seem like a big obstacle on the agility course of life. Can do this is the mantra, don't worry be happy.....

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Furrow Ahead For New Growth

 Right now is a great time to transform what you can. Sure there were bad patches, but look how easy they are to break up and refine. Shake loose, return, and start again. Never worry when you're hanging on the ropes of Hope, being hard to cope. So just tell yourself to feel no pain, and walk away!
 Once again yesterday is a memory, anything and everything can happen, it's the story of your life and try writing it today. It's a great day to dig in and lay down that new growth.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

On the Look Out

  When there was massive bags of leaves to rake it was a nice to have a healthy tree and two good hands to rake with. After a very slug fest of a run it was nice to have a good back and legs that gave the freedom
to at least do that. Before scraping the tiller project altogether, changing a spark plug, a minute check of a motor schematic, an adjustment, the garden was completely done, that close to calling it a day. In just a week, gone from being Fat to very lean times, why? When you can voluntarily let go, it shows what you have but haven't really lost. Not sure why it has to be, kind for one and ugly for another, but imagine some
way of
figuring out that this is really great even when it seems lousy? Both must be a free choice, and it sure beats
thinking the opposite. All bad patches pass...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Martedi Grasso

 Over the top, filled to the brim, yes, this is the day when you can count all the Fat Blessings
and gifts that just seem to be in over abundance, overflowing. Just think about, what is better
than living the dream, the here and now. Can't really do anything about yesterday, and the future,
doesn't seem to get here. But today, it is Fat alright, and like everything else you don't really have
to do anything about it. Just all dressed up like Capt. Crash and the Beauty Queen from Mars.
You and me, yes we're Invincible, Together!

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Way Back From New Orleans

  They say love can take you far. Be yourself and there you are. Once in a lifetime, when will
she be mine, heaven knows. Love can take you up the mountain and down below. Day or night
she won't let you go. Love's like a warm wind, sworn to the feeling, need to know.
  What does it feel like, when can I say? It's the furthest that I've ever been, and I've found a way.
What does it sound like, when will I know. How does it feel like letting go. A memory of,
I only know how to love.
 When I dream I'm in her arms. Feeling safe and far from harm. She knows where I've been,
places that I've seen, Need to know, heaven tell me. Deep down inside she's here tonight by my side.
  What does it feel like, when can I say? It's the furthest that I've ever been, and I've found a way.........

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ottenero Fatto

 Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone will. Press on has and always will solve any challenge. Acceptance, perceiving where in reality you are, then staying slightly below your challenge point, then move on. Will power, your concentration of force, it is unsustainable, establish a beginning point with it. Hard work, accept what you've been avoiding, ally yourself to it. Press on a little at a time. Industry, results from your actions, industry is all about action. Persistence of vision, be superclear of what you want, you'll be consistent, persistent in action.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Learnin n Burnin

 One great thing about this neck of the woods is the smoked meats offered. So like any wanna be
cooky, ya need to practice. I think this time was about the rub. All the basic ingreds. Watching the temp
is significant as well, but ultimately, ya gotta love just getting on the down low of what Lee would
say" Just Livin the Dream".

Chopin Sonata No.2 Op.35 "Marche funebre"

  3:54 am. As my eyes open in my mind ring the words"Take care of your back". Like Marley on the door
clammer moaning "Scrooge....Scrooge!  Something is turning so wrong, ominous at best. The alarm for 4 sounds, but no movement, except what is going on in that little brain, doubt, fear....what? Common reaction is don't give in to fear, face it, the back is fine. So what? Just once in awhile you figure it is what it is. Nonetheless, after 50+ marathons this is small potato's, yet if the game isn't on what's the point. Still haven't figured this one out, but it was not to be.
  11:30am. Here's enjoying what it is for what one's got, even if it's only 10 vs. 26.2.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Das Wohltemperierte Klavier

 Anticipation of a majestic undertaking always comes with exhilaration, happiness, and doubt.
But making it still part of the goals and endeavors is really the best I can do, because any time you place yourself at a beginning you take the challenge and figure there is always a chance or none at all. It is all
there is. So now go Live and have a great time!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bellae rosam dat

Having a mind of it's own, the swings sometimes can be long and short, the proverbial
hills and valleys. Never worry, nor fret, for what you do, should do, could have done and
so forth. Stay close to what you see, know, and feel to be as is. No matter, today you will
make a difference.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Crostata di Mirtillo

 Cold and Ice, Injury and disappointment, not that they go together but if I had some blueberries a souffle
or tart is what to do. Bitter sweet, nothing without sacrifice, even when it's given freely, it still irritates." Go
with the flow" Tony would always say, and that is really a bit of surrender. But what isn't explained is just how it will unfold, the end result or the continuation of the plan. Those surprises don't ever seem confined to what a doctor or in the know may predict. That is great, believe in miracles, things like Lourdes and such
why not, hope is better. In the end it still is final. What a couple of weeks.... that's Amore!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Preparazione della zuppa

  So it begins neither cold nor warm, raining or sunny, just grey. It feels like this will go just either way, but the chance is positive. Moving forward with thousands of others pulls everything along, it is exciting. This is what being free and alive is about. Many ingredients make up the recipe, but whether it is enough doesn't ever seem to matter with the outcome. You have added everything possible to the mix, or maybe not enough, but why isn't the formula failsafe? Probally because when dealing with physical, mental, and what all depends on hidden forces at work. Tapping into your flow must be given rein to move easily, relaxed. So you let it roll of it's own accord, and you ease it all. Now it feels good, just leave it there. After all your only living the dream, going on a journey that, yes, ends with a finish line, but you want to go farther. Next time you will. This was a great ride!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mise en Place

 He really wanted me, and did I deliver! What wasn't understood was my disposition, and what a Katrina hurricane mark was left on my psyche. There is always a slow process to soothe and clean an aching wound, nothing but time and effort can pass the mess. This was the guy to do it. He had just completed his 29th 100 mile run, and had a way to get to most finish lines if he felt like it, sometimes he just didn't. So with the free classes, and Shari's fostering my journey back began. It was a rough awakening for both of us. No more flights out, no more races, volunteering had to end, but, what the heck, 30K to blow and more if he had continued, is enough. Change after all is good for the soul. After all 24/7 watch could only been handled by him or Shari, everyone else was a value meal. So it went... Then all the funny antics, the agility successes, the remarkable search and rescue games really gave a glimmer of hope, nothing much more than that. That was enough. Why not start up a race within the confines, so Run Like the Wind began. Yes, a chance to volunteer, raise a little dough, to keep crazies like her out.. headed for the  death zone. It will continue just as it has been foretold....prepare ahead, and you will make the timetable.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Simmer...

 Simone brought to the table a whole exciting musical dimension. It began with Bach, his Brandenburg Concertos, Goldberg variations, and on and on. Of course, Handel, Chopin, Mozart,Beethoven, Cassanea of Mondonville, Haydn and Liszt would follow with their personal signatures. There is a way to distinguish these different flavors, and they can only go for a while and finally be savored. Sounds like another endeavor that is brought on with lots of fire and exhausted without more fuel. The Deer and Boar have fallen and I will soon have my chance.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Still around...

It's all about Jeff this time. He made it start, cause it always has to be someone's fault, and it might as well be his! Some one pushes the button and makes things progress toward something. So Jeff are you happy now? Like many movements that bring events to a purpose, I think it's time to really prepare wild game.
I would really like to say soon I have cooked a really great dish using venison or wild boar, now watch it unfold!