Wednesday, May 23, 2012

That's Just the Way it Is

As I reached for my bag the pain jolted thru my arm. Nothing was working, although I could move my fingers, there just wasn't any strength. Never had been humbled with not being able to function with all my limbs, and it sure got my attention. I did all I could to get out of the security line and on my way to my gate, this time though things were intimidating. From that point it was trying to fix what was wrong, rubbing and moving my wrist and fingers as if I was in therapy. Should have just turned around and gone home, but that ultra mindset makes you continue thru some really crappy spots, and I've seen my share. By the end of the day my drop bags were sent out and I had checked in, and went to sleep. At 1am I awoke and began the check list of what to do, and by 3am I knew that muling the left hand wouldn't get the job of changing gear done in a 100M race, I walked down to check in and let them know.So now what.....

1 comment:

  1. get the darn thing fixed and continue striving for that 30th 100 mile finish by golly!!!
