Friday, September 27, 2013


It's hot in Texas in the summer, and when you change a flat and you can't smile you have some pathetic cheeks. You yell at the window and tell the guy " what took so long, thought this was supposed to be fast food? Ten pair of running shoes isn't enough you need fifteen. It's a yoyo rotten life and you can never be happy because something or someone just pisses all over your cornflakes that your lazy friend wouldn't make for you. Traffic is terrible, you get to work and everyone wants stuff like yesterday. You try to sit at home and relax and darn if someone didn't over cook the popcorn. I told you to buy more beer and you didn't do it??? I hate doing laundry, you have to load the washer and then put it  in your dryer. Next thing what? You have go to the well for water? Don't have to light a fire but darn this ready made food is sure expensive. We haven't had rain for years so why does it have to rain on our party? At the end of the day, and the end of your life, on your  Tombstone is written " Here Lies the Biggest Waste of Time".

1 comment:

  1. And yet, we appreciate every last minute of it. Us, with the pathetic cheeks : )
