Saturday, September 21, 2013

High Heel Cowboy Boots

Two weeks ago after 14 hours and covering 40 miles, from 4200ft to 9200 ft. and then hanging ten between 7000 / 9000 given a total of 18,000 gain and loss. That's Chinscraping in the Wasatch Front. So today with 6:55 hours and 31 miles living oxygen content at 1200ft.and only 4100 ft. up and down, the Lighthouse 50K in spite of the mud left from yesterday blessing of rain gave the old man a 3rd place age spot. Nevertheless it is a rottenly slow life running. Image a day when busting Mtn. runs crumbled away with staying atop one's game. Well, reality is now, and even though I suck, it still is great to get out and get some fresh air. It' s got me under pressure. In a few weeks Boodini will be tightening the tension in that leash, loping ears blown back wanting to break away from this slug. Trying to reach the zenith of flying high wearing her high heeled cowboy boots.

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