Monday, July 14, 2014

Blueprint for a 72 Hour

Boodini in dog years and I in mutant form are both at this time sixty three. Friday marked that union and after her 7am. 5K it was time by 9am. for my private run. As the miles clicked by the thought of running my age in miles came to mind, not that original, a few of my acquaintances have easily done this. But these days running 100K plus is a challenge, closest to that happened in January at Bandera, and that was difficult having had severe diarrhea before the first loop was even completed, and 19 and half hours later it was a finish. With my hook in the time slots of habitual life, juggling miles done weekly and the lack of Will power to get moving, running my age now in one day outside of races would be next to impossible, at least it seems so. I have never really had the aspiration anyway. Well then the idea came to me for the next three days I would be off, and dividing the miles if I did 21 miles each day it could happen, seventy two hours. So I headed to the Great Hills loop and bagged 13. Then home I went and returned in the afternoon to kill the deficit of 6, that gave me the first day of 21. Saturday began with no support from Boodini, so scratch that 5K, and by ten am. off I ran for 15. Then the phone rang and work had my butt going in for fixing a problem, and by the time I was home it was church time. So at seven Saturday nite I decided to sit it out, so now I was deficit 6 miles for the day. Mentally it is tough anyway but looking down the barrel of a twenty seven mile Sunday seemed really tough. So the mind started thinking well it doesn't matter anyway, so forget about your little challenge. Sunday am. though came around and Boodini was back in form and we killed 3.75 miles. Then it was time for me to head to the easy loop at town lake of ten, parking was a bitch but it got done. So now I'm somewhere behind the half marathon distance. Well it hit 100 degrees yesterday and that's when I knocked off 8.5 miles. Now it's down to 5. My time cut off started at 7 am. Friday so I had till seven Monday am. And at 4 am Monday I knocked off the five and completed 64 and change miles. Thanks to Garmin for counting the clicks and keeping the log, the ice chest full, and gu's and nutrition mix, a bed to sleep in etc. This attests to the saying " it takes me all night long to do what I used to do all night". Yes the glory days have passed, and now it's just pushing back the clock as best as the cut off permits. Now the next dog day comes quickly this Saturday at the "all nighter " at Muleshoe 60K.


  1. Awesome! Any way you count the miles, they all count.

  2. Awesome job, Sam. I like the 72 hour idea.
