Monday, July 7, 2014

Cherry Philosphy

I was reading something Tessa mentioned to me today, I know she was talking to me directly. She was talking about many things we hold close to ourselves, sometimes the way we interpret what we see, feel, and understand send us in a direction that makes us forget. Well, that's nothing to hard to believe, we get going, we think we're in the the best direction possible, only to take things just a little to seriously, get affected with worry, or presume the point where we're at and just plain think it's a losing battle. Yes dialing back just a hair we find that this small journey is just lent to us for a while, sometimes shorter than we think. So remember to live and love and laugh at it all. You work, you save, you perplex away your time, but you'll never take it with you when you go! That's another fact. The sweet things in life to you were just loaned, so how can you lose what you never owned? Don't make it serious, life is too mysterious!  Every great Master had his way with this interpretation, Buddha, Babaji, Christ, but in simpler language from a young boy from New Jersey " Life is just a Bowl of Cherries".

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