Sunday, October 12, 2014


The last few mornings I have agonized with the thunder, lightning and rain, you might think that after ten years of living one should be able to get over scars left from coming out of a monster hurricane. Today I ran my 5K trek in the hood, it helps the stress, and my ears can just lay back and I enjoy the ride. All of the races that I have been to over the years aren't being held anymore, most people races don't really want us around, we are banished. The thought is always that the race promoters know there are good dogs and bad dogs, they just don't know which is which. I am a bad dog, but when tasked with running I know no evil. It may be just a goal biscuit but my running partner told me that maybe in the spring the Donkey Dash may be reheld. A running store went out of business, it was their race, and I won my age group a few times. So I am starting with the goal to run it, if it is indeed held. Not so much to win, but just a goal, after all doesn't every dog need a goal to motivate oneself forward. It would be a good idea to trim down a few pounds, so eating less won't hurt. Right now I am chilling, catching up on some fluids, taking in a few calories, and pondering which one of these squirrels in my yard I'm going chase down.

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