Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Not Who You Be

As we sat eating lunch after finishing another 100M, Bill told me that he really didn't care what he ran, DNFed, or what, cause he didn't have anything to prove. At the time I thought it strange, maybe, how could you not care, the identity, the ego, the relation it meant in one's life. Now not so much. Seems like we tell ourselves our  job, our hobbies, our running all make up who we are, and how we relate to everything in our world.We're not that at all, and when any one thing is pulled out from under us we panic, feel like crap, question our reality. Maybe that's a good thing. Banking on these tickets we are definitely set up for failure. I don't know what the answer is, but having Bill's attitude seems a lot less harrowing. Go with the flow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Guerilla Attacks

So as we move from one end of the house to the other on leash we fail to see Lilly the cat, arch enemy of Boodini, hidden from sight in a box. Typically this is a very sneaky tactic. The screeching and bellowing exit Lilly's mouth, and Boodini goes into the attack mode. But I control the confrontation and move towards the back door. At this point the two boy cats set the stage for an attack siege on Boodini. Claws drawn they push closely to pounce on Boodini from different sides. Finally I push Boodini out the back door to the yard. We have an insurrection brewing with the tyranny of a dog's world versus the law abiding cat world. But now the cats are uniting and it is only a matter of time, when I am not around to weigh the odds, that Boodini, will be defeated and torn mercilessly.

Friday, September 18, 2015


Everyday I am wondering what is my problem. I  must just be a lukewarm mess. Driving in to work I see people flying down the road, excessive speeds. They weave in and out of tight spots barely not clipping another driver as they jockey for a better position. They get up behind you as close as they can get in the hopes you go faster so they in turn can get to work faster. I wish I loved my job like them. They must not be able to wait to get to work, that's what I would call passion for the job they must certainly love. It's hard to imagine that they will risk everything so they can get to their labor of love. I bet if I lived in Washington D.C. I would see all types of congressman and government employees cruising in to work so they can take care of us taxpayers. I know I would most definetly see Ted Cruz  blazing a trail, maybe even with a police escort, just so he could get as fast as possible to the senate floor. He would be doing what he so passionately feels, to shut down the government.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

What Crisis

Being ten years old in Port Isabel, was fun and at that age what wouldn't be. Going to South Padre everyday, running around that tiny town, puppet shows. So when the folks were sitting around watching the little RCA Victor TV with President Kennedy telling the nation we could be heading for nuclear war with the Soviets, all cause of the tiny 777mile long island of Cuba, it just went over the top of my head. I didn't really get the anxiousness of being disintegrated. I don't think I was really effected. Now as an old person, everything seems to get my feathers ruffled. No water rolling off this duck's back. Even years ago things seemed a lot easier, more nonchalant. Why the hell do I have to suddenly flip the switch to freak out mode? Well it's just not fitting, treating old fart's like this.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Rose

Its going to be long week, especially yesterday when your asking if it's Friday yet?, at least that's what I'm being told. The weather if you talk about that is another big disappointment, after a low humid weekend, and now temperatures are going to spike again on the high side. The world is crumbling with global warning, and the monarch butterfly is going instinct. Give me a break. But it will not to be given, the revolution will not be televised. So I guess it comes down to, you could be in an ISIS prison, but, today you are free to go and do as you please. Breathe the air, enjoy the heat, bury a butterfly, whatever you want. Your free today, at least for the next few hours, so enjoy. You were planning to do that anyway, because your not playing the fool or being a chump. Don't forget to smell the funk, it's a splendid aroma. It's what for dinner. Have you ate yet?

Friday, September 11, 2015


The good news is after ultrasound and x-rays, Boodini doesn't have to go under the knife for tumors of spleen, liver, etc. In fact she is a healthy canine. Well not exactly. Boodini does have a problem with her lower spine, with scar tissue, it's degenerative, and that is why she has a problem with her back end. But then she goes in now for chiropractic adjustments. That will help for now. As of last evening she decided she wanted to go back to her two a day walks, and the temp really hasn't dropped to her comfort zone just yet. But it will, like maybe somewhat this weekend. So we have made it through another hot summer, and maybe the cooler weather will sharpen our strides from a shuffle to a jog. Let's not get carried away though.

Friday, September 4, 2015

On a Prayer

Surely one can turn the tide in one's favor if one says a prayer, no matter how small. Yes it is a large college with lot's of students. But the world is a different place than when things were, how shall we say, respectable. I'll say a Hail Mary, I might even throw in a rosary for Texas when and if they defeat Notre Dame. Not really a sports dog but hey what  a confidence builder to the season that would be. We'll see, so you might say we're living on a prayer.