Friday, September 18, 2015


Everyday I am wondering what is my problem. I  must just be a lukewarm mess. Driving in to work I see people flying down the road, excessive speeds. They weave in and out of tight spots barely not clipping another driver as they jockey for a better position. They get up behind you as close as they can get in the hopes you go faster so they in turn can get to work faster. I wish I loved my job like them. They must not be able to wait to get to work, that's what I would call passion for the job they must certainly love. It's hard to imagine that they will risk everything so they can get to their labor of love. I bet if I lived in Washington D.C. I would see all types of congressman and government employees cruising in to work so they can take care of us taxpayers. I know I would most definetly see Ted Cruz  blazing a trail, maybe even with a police escort, just so he could get as fast as possible to the senate floor. He would be doing what he so passionately feels, to shut down the government.

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