Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Guerilla Attacks

So as we move from one end of the house to the other on leash we fail to see Lilly the cat, arch enemy of Boodini, hidden from sight in a box. Typically this is a very sneaky tactic. The screeching and bellowing exit Lilly's mouth, and Boodini goes into the attack mode. But I control the confrontation and move towards the back door. At this point the two boy cats set the stage for an attack siege on Boodini. Claws drawn they push closely to pounce on Boodini from different sides. Finally I push Boodini out the back door to the yard. We have an insurrection brewing with the tyranny of a dog's world versus the law abiding cat world. But now the cats are uniting and it is only a matter of time, when I am not around to weigh the odds, that Boodini, will be defeated and torn mercilessly.

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