Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Not Who You Be

As we sat eating lunch after finishing another 100M, Bill told me that he really didn't care what he ran, DNFed, or what, cause he didn't have anything to prove. At the time I thought it strange, maybe, how could you not care, the identity, the ego, the relation it meant in one's life. Now not so much. Seems like we tell ourselves our  job, our hobbies, our running all make up who we are, and how we relate to everything in our world.We're not that at all, and when any one thing is pulled out from under us we panic, feel like crap, question our reality. Maybe that's a good thing. Banking on these tickets we are definitely set up for failure. I don't know what the answer is, but having Bill's attitude seems a lot less harrowing. Go with the flow.

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