Sunday, December 11, 2016

Decker Numero Three

Got the half done, now another half and then a full to go and my road career is on going. So I'll settle for the 50 degree and fog, overcast, drizzle any day. Days before we were at freezing. I didn't eject my happy ass into oxygen shortage, and held a slow easy drive, rather than crap out at the end. So between now and 3M and Austin Full it's time to get a few things together. That doesn't include not running until event day. It's true, you don't get different results doing what you've always done. Do I really care? Well between suffering through and a easy time of it, I'd pick something in between just to mix things up. There's a whole world out there, Run with Joy!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Shiner Hills

As a gift all I had to do was drive early to Shiner Saturday for their half marathon. It was a quick hour and forty five drive there, decent crowd of folks. As a workout and an addition to the upcoming road series, why not. Cold 40 degrees, winds at 16-20, made the direct farm road hills tough and then easier. Looks like I only wavered close to the 12 min pace at miles 11-12, but recouped on the last mile smelling the barn. 2:19 and change is not great by any means, but it was free and I got the miles in on this dress rehearsal for the next race up in two weeks. That one has more hills, and I bet it will be cold, windy and raining, now I'm prepared except for the wet. Jerk! wear a raincoat or a trash bag if you need to, there is always a solution. Shiner brewery grounds was the start and finish and there was lots of brew, and the sausage and kraut was excellent, all free as well. The only thing I would do differently is have a roll of cash for the stop at Smitty's barbecue in Lockhart on the way back. Run with Joy!

Sunday, November 6, 2016


Did the Run for a Drink, so now I'm in the Challenge of the roads. Got to do two half marathons, and then the full and I get the jacket. Oh Boy! My calf was flairing so I held a ease back on the final in. But no injury, and if I would get off my tail I'll go to Bandera. Been running in Luna sandals in the hood, maybe that's why my calf went south again, but it is all about building up muscles that have been soft on attack. Consistence, perserverance, determination, nothing else will ever matter. Now go run with joy!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sky is Fallin

For much of this month or part of last, makes little difference, once a week I've been invited to and running with an elite secret organization, running as in running. Today was an easy day i was told, maybe it was, there was conversation on a number of vital topics. My monthly mileage is up and I may once again be a contender, for what makes no difference. I also learned that one member was deeply traumatized by the use of a flashlight, wow, who would have thought. He was provoked to use "Trump remarks", the haha type that aren't really serious so no matter how revolting, offensve they might be, well it's OK! LMAO for sure, it was surprising because this guy is not really so in your face and a ride your butt type. But hey that's what running does to the temperament. He has the best temperament well next to that other guy, the one that says he has the best temperament.  I think they fall from the same tree, they will note their fine characteristics. Anyway, if I'm not banned for minor offenses, then I guess I'm still in the club.

Monday, September 5, 2016


Yesterday we were given a new saint, today we celebrate her death, and IF there is anyone who would be a saint this woman who worked and died in Calcutta surely paid some dues. Inspirational is hardly scratching the surface of discipline, just plain deep soul digging that Mother Teresa offered of herself to the poorest of the poor. One person here, another there, and somehow these simple people do so much with so little in this very huge world.

Friday, August 12, 2016

HB Papa Tony

One Hell of Guy! He was that guy. Allways cool, low key, without Drama, steady the course. You'd be 104 today, well maybe it's best your not really, but even with that you'd go with the flow! As you always said "Penza la Salute". Now pass around the amoretto!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Dying Over Here

Shine on prodigal son got to have your morning glory, yes keep on having your fun, it will be the same ole story soon, it will be afternoon, fun is getting harder to find, never mind. Keep on watching the sky, keep on waiting to die, keep on wondering why it's afternoon. Burn on celestial star, burn away the times that find you, move on wherever you are, do the thing that one will find you here. You won't have nothing to fear, but time is slipping away day by day. Shine bright prodigal son, rushed off to your happy ending. Good night, celestial one, no use wasting time pretending now. Now that you are hating the time and space. Lose that  human race. Keep on watching the sky, keep on waiting to die, keep on wondering why, it's afternoon.

Monday, July 18, 2016


Happy Birthday Mr. Rick, that is correct you are 72 today! You make even me feel young. Might as well make this the RG month. I know some of your dearest friends will hold the Rick Run, of various distances just to have the connection that always withstands time.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Beeahhcha Boodini's Nite Out

Here it goes, gonna rock, gonna rock and roll tonight, I'm gonna free
Gonna show my soul the light.
Well I'm gonna pick up Sammy V.Don't you know it's gonna be all right
Well we're gonna shake,Shake our heads around,Gettin' down,To that raunchy sound
Yeah PT's playin, Rockin' this lazy town
Rock and roll!!!
Look out
We're gonna rock and roll tonight
Well I'm gonna free
Yeah yeah yeah!
Show my soul the light
Well I'm gonna pick up Sammy V
Don't you know it's gonna be all right

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Rick G Was a Friend of Mine

Actually he was the friend of many, but a few of us ran some long miles with him. Nine years ago on a night run he was lost to us in what we  have seen lately as flooding storms. Some of us still celebrate his life, what can you say, Rick was one hell of a guy, Absolutely we all miss him and it was a honor to be in his company. Well anyway, he is still missed!

Monday, June 13, 2016

You Think Your on Easy Street

May actually was s good running mileage month with 102. June rolls in and out we go but then a virus takes hold and wipes out ten good days of running, and obviously makes working a real pain. But yesterday back at it again for a couple of hours, 90 degrees, it's hot time and I like it. There is no question we Do Not Control anything. Sure you can try but at the end of the day you'll be surprised how things turn out. So don't count your blessings just yet, but as the old man would say"Go with the flow".

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

On the Bridge Again

Looks like just two cats left, Lilly is now on the way across the rainbow bridge. She was the only kitten that didn't get a home so we kept her. Boodini and Lilly are arch enemies. After 17 years she has had a good go. She never let much push her around, and could hiss and screech better than any.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Rusty Deal

Driving into Aralia Dr. with the old truck and me the old dude, it didn't take long to recall where the hell I was. So off in the opposite direction of Bull creek down to spice wood rd. and following the trail next to that road it was a meander to see how some spots had water falls and streams possibly to lie in if you wanted to cool off. Not a whole lot of folks. Back up again I took the other end that goes to 360, it was understood too often I would stop after this short loop, having usually my ass handed to me. Then back again I headed down the jeep road out and back just to get a rounded mile in. Well it was a pretty rusty run and moving the parts of me that haven't felt or seen the good ole out doors in a while. Summer time and looking forward to the hot days again.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

To Sammartini's Mom

Remember O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, we fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, our Mother. To thee do we come, before thee we kneel, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer them.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Whooping That Crane

Yes indeed, sometimes fun comes in just getting out and having it. What's even better when the spotlight shines all around on everyone. Looks like the group from SA got out and took all the hardware, beat the competition and made a showing. Does it feel good, well kick back and enjoy the limelight. It's all you! Congrats to ya!