Thursday, December 27, 2018

Big Nothing

This year is pretty much a wash, but in the New Year we could all stand to run a little farther. Some might believe that after 30 days of running we have created a habit of doing so. Seems like we can only reward ourselves to cover a bit of ground. Ok you stretch which you don't normally do and collect 1 mile, you do crunches, ok there's another mile for the log. After awhile maybe all those things with added bonuses to your log will get you doing what you always wanted to do. Same can be attributed to tripping over yourself to make for a decent change. Think of the endless possibilities and reward miles you will rack up. Ok then.... just keep doing what you've been doing and end up with NOTHING!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Hang in There My Friends!

 Sitting down tonight  to a guitar strum and:
Silent, wordless, everything was still. You breathed us, yearned for us. Our hearts began to thrill. A brand new creation. A symphony written from above, written out of love. Let me be your instrument, let me be your voice, let me be the reservoir. Where thirsty hearts rejoice, let me be the hand that wipes the tears away. Oh Lord, if it be your will. Let me be your song
A violin, a piano, each one has a role. Major or minor, or just a single note, so take the time to stay in tune. Cause we'll never know, when we're called to play. It could be today. A song of hope for the hopeless, a song of comfort for the pain, a song that warms the frozen heart that it might beat again.
For what am I but a single breath, that only you sustain the less I get in the way,
The more the master can let the music play
So let me be your instrument
Let me be your voice
Let me be the reservoir
Where thirsty hearts rejoice
Let me be the hand
That wipes the tears away
Oh Lord,
If it be your will
Let me be your song

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Full of It

So you say life is unfair. They've got everything you wanted
And you're not even close to getting where you wish you could be.
You want to get the commendation love and adulation
But you're stuck here on your knees.
Are you happy, green eyed monster? Are you happy with your place?
What's the use of being haunted? Your story for glory is right there in your face
So be glad, you're an architect creation, you're one of a kind.
Just stay on track, because every cross can be a blessing
All the gifts that you've been given, close your eyes and listen
To who you're meant to be.
Don't feed the monster, wasting time comparing
Lose yourself despairing, I hear it, don't ya?
Hungry for our fight.
Are you happy?

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Heart Heavy

A little time, a little distance, a little space to think
Might be all we need, right now. I don't know if we've had too much
Or not enough, but, we've got to get over this, somehow
It only takes a breath or two to tear your world apart
Sticks and stones may break your bones but words can break your heart
Cutting words from careless lips, softly spoken, oh you can do damage and never scream and shout. Emotions get the best of us, we say things we don't mean.
And it's too late to take 'em back once they're out.
Oh, can we just start over?
Nobody won, what's done is done
We've got to let it go

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Trail Ahead

When I was a young boy roamin' on the railroad tracks
Put copper pennies on the rail, locomotive come and squash 'em flat
We'd run to fetch 'em back
Summer nights at Gran-ma's house cozy in my bed dreams of far-off places and other lives to be led, swirling in my head
And there's a train in the distance there's a whistle calling, silver moonlight falling
Now I am a grown man turning in my sleep, debts and obligations
Family ties run deep, promises to keep
You can ride that train to the far end of creation, away from everything and everyone you know, you better make friends with your angels and your demons, they will be riding with you wherever you may go, but you have to go
There's a train in the distance, there's a whistle calling,
 autumn leaves will be falling

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Fred Astaire

I know you're disappointed, I can see it in your eyes
This isn't what you wanted and now you realize
I ain't no knight in shining armor who comes a-ridin' 'cross the lea
 Now, the merchants in the marketplace they're selling fantasy
It's a trick of light and shadow it's not reality
It's just a faded photograph of the man I used to be
You're lookin' for a younger man - not me
I knew the day I met you it was never gonna last
You're an angel from the future I'm an old devil from the past
So, trust me when I tell you this is the way it's meant to be
If you believe in better days ahead for this crazy human race
That we will somehow be delivered by goodness and by grace
And if you're lookin' for believers in faith and hope and charity
Then, you're lookin' for a younger man - not me

Sunday, August 12, 2018


Got a message in my mailbox from an old friend I hardly ever see, all it said was you were trying to get a hold of me. I stared down at your number, and I felt passion and I felt fear. I wondered what the Hell you wanted after all the years? Cause there is danger in the embers, and I have only myself to blame, if I get burned when I try to rekindle that old flame.

C: Well I know we ended badly, and I was angry for a very long time. But I've grown some and I wanted you to know that I'm doing just fine. I'm not asking for a replay, I've got no delusions, got no designs. But can I borrow just a little cup of kindness for Auld Lang Syne?

Speak to me plain, tell me the truth. Is it me you really miss, or just your long lost youth?

Yeah there is danger in the embers, and you know nothing, nothing stays the same.
You can get burned when you try to rekindle that old flame.

Monday, July 30, 2018


Cats got your tongue
The jungle's won
Enemy lines trippin' your mama's son
But you say
You're keepin' us safe

In the hands
Of a god fearin' man
We turn our backs
he shakes the devils hand
I believe
We been deceived

Now you got her nylons in a rip
Runnin round tryin to make sense of it
Trying to grow flowers in your bullshit
You'd put out the sun if you got hold of it

Oh say can you see
The dawn of catastrophe
So many tears people down in the streets
Whatcha doin'
'Bout Kiddos Dreams

Pennies keep droppin
But nobody's stopping
You'll wash your hands and we'll be stuck with the problem
Sell the fear
Then disappear  NC

Sunday, July 22, 2018


Some folks don't like workin' hard.
Some folks don't like rain
Some folks love to tell you 
all about their aches and pains.
Me, I take the hand I'm dealt
And I play it as it lays
It's the cost of living
And everyone pays

You can't live in memories
Of all your golden yesterdays
Or spend your whole life grieving
For the one that got away
Common sense says "let her go"
But your heart disobeys
It's the cost of living
And everyone pays

Blue shadows falling all around me
Still I don't regret a single day

I look in the mirror now
I see that time can be unkind
But I know every wrinkle
And I earned every line
So, wear it like a royal crown
When you get old and gray
It's the cost of living
And everyone pays
It's the cost of living
And everyone pays

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


If you are looking for Boodini you have come to the very place to find B. Take a look because soon we will reach the correct goal.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Lackers

Once again we traveled to Spring Ho to revisit more than just a hobby, more like a way of living. As we clipped through the miles, it rekindled a return to future races. He always gets wound up and next thing we're all venturing into a fall of distance challenge. Without goals there would be no moving forward or the adventure of a lifetime. But now and as before you must do something to get there, train. So looking forward "Get off your Dead Butt!"

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Ponderous Chain

I believe you are the answer
To every tear I've cried
I believe that you are with me
My rising and my light
Give me strength when I am weary
Give me hope when I can't see
Through the crosses I must carry
Lord bind my heart to thee
That when all my days are over
And all my chores are done
I may see your risen glory
Forever where you are

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Inventory Two

Break my chains, show the path to make everything fall into place. Wake me from my dreaming, no more deceiving, between the want and waste and all the hunger inside. I can be free from this place, beautiful healer, beautiful grace. I'm just a single voice, what can one do to erase, all this misunderstanding, all this anarchy, six degrees of separation, sometimes it's just so hard to see. We are not really alone in this, and we need to believe we are free. Let me see the morning glory, it winds upon the tree, and it tells the story of how things were meant to be. You saw the universe caught up in desperate dreams, so you came and changed the ending, led the revolution, and left your legacy, embraced the struggle in the face of mortality. No, we are not alone in this, help me believe. Break these chains.

Sunday, June 17, 2018


If you went to dinner with someone who you really cared about and got the check, would you tell your friend that although you enjoyed their company you just couldn't see spending the money on them for the dinner. You would be choosing your money over the one you invited to dinner. Usually we are driven by our hearts, our urges, our emotions. Sometimes we chose what we perceive to be our wants over what may be affecting others, and grab the world for ourselves. But if you had 24 hours to live, what would you do? If you had 24 hours to breathe what would you say? Isn't it so easy to lose track, one place that's tempting is to look back, fill our hearts with regret. Looking at all we couldn't do, for all we should have done, but didn't take the time to. Obviously it's not too late. To move ahead of the curve, we could give our love without holding back, give our heart without keeping track of who would repay. Is precious time melting away? When its our way we will get sick of our pride, for all the faults leave us trying to hide. Denying what is true and leaving these unopened gifts will cease to exist if they are returned unused. I could take back every single harsh word I've said, spend time listening to your laughter instead. Hold on tight and do the next right things so time couldn't erase them, and this would change what is to come and see us through every step of the way.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Taking Inventory

Everyone and that is everyone has a life of inventory. A glossary of the good and the evil, and isn't it amazing that even if you think your life is an island your actions are still a ripple effect that goes far beyond what you percieve inside and what is far beyond your consciousness. Introspection into what it is that makes you do what you do are contrived, by how you lived, living and will live. The things we grasp for happiness are fleeting until you decide on how you can be the best version of yourself. As you look into what is really the next right thing to do and act upon it you begin a journey like no other. It would be facetious to believe that there is a simple plan, but like the pilgrim it will always be a recollection, a turning point of what is, and building towards what you ultimately can be, never ending in the trail race to nirvana.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Promises to Keep

So once again its bunny season, so Boodini is busy in her dreams chasing them into a nice herd. They promised not to eat much, but keep good company. What reason would you owe this too? Good question, for some reason it goes with the territory, just like chocolate is free game to be eaten again. This is a great day in the neighborhood, we can necessarily run wild, walk around and not worry. Be Happy! Open packages, and things are Great Again, aren't they!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Whipping Post

Down in whole and I don't know if I can be saved
See my heart I decorate it like a grave
Oh, you don't understand who they thought I was supposed to be
Look at me now I'm a man who won't let himself be
I have been guilty of kicking myself in the teeth
Down in hole, feeling so small
Down in a hole losing my soul
I'd like to fly but my wings my will denies

So it goes round and round once again, falling then standing only to fall again. The remorse, the guilt, the affirmation to rise up once again. Thankfully you actually get the chance. So do the next right thing. Whatever the plague you have the cure, so what's in your head?