Monday, December 29, 2014

Ain't No Hollaback

It was 36 degrees when I ran yesterday morning. After being out in the air with Boodini, and dropped her off, it didn't continue to rain so why not. Regardless, it is necessary to get some physical movement going, any way get used to it, because cold is really what we're going get. Looks like the sun is out so it's another chance to walk around the hood, besides my dog friend will love that. Simply a chance to sniff out all the places and events that have passed the path at some point in time. In a few days we'll have a new number in the year category. We can't help focus on what that might mean, and there will absolutely be changes large and small that we never saw coming. Fearful or not, being accepting and prepared might get us through when that's the only choice. Just like the weather, the day, the things going on around us, we're above the ground and breathing, if that doesn't seem special just this moment, well, that goof ball at the end of the leash sure feels so.

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