Friday, December 19, 2014

Boodini Award

    Alright, so we have dwindled to just a few days till the Big Day, Christmas, notice it wasn't spelled with an X. This year it is all too obvious who has been good and who has been naughty. Tessa has shown tremendous Holiday spirit in her baking and cooking abilities beyond the call of duty. But maybe with a large family as her's she relishes doing all the traditional  niceties that  go with keeping the "Home Fire Burning". So it is no wonder that congrats are in order to Tessa for receiving the Boodini Award!
   Next on the list is "That Guy", he's the one that makes all his friends feel that he is solely devoted to them alone. Call it charisma or what have you, he can always be counted on to check in, get things stirred up with future games, and always try his best to help out. This year whether it was pacing, volunteering all night long, or just a text or a call, he was what I can only refer to as devoted. So it is with no surprise Jeff is the recipient of the Boodini Award!
   In this broken world of ours where sometimes we forget or lose sight of what is genuine or real important, if you keep Christmas this year we don't have to be a Boodini Award winner to touch someone's life. God bless us, Everyone!

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