Thursday, May 22, 2014

Lying When the Truth Sounds Better

 No Boodini isn't in lock down for looking at animal control funny. In fact she puts in 15 miles running weekly, has lost a few pounds, and overall is a little more chill with life. For the moment. But she will turn on a dime and give no change back. She'll be nine years old June 1, send treats. The hood has got the neighbors in the area paranoid with car break ins, kick door burglaries and everyone is profiling with what they see, but don't give license numbers or pictures of who they do see. Prop 1 for the club got shot down, and there is going to be a picnic. It's a about to be a holiday weekend and things are a changing. On the national scene, gays are still the antichrist and Obama care will end Amerikka as we know it. The Somalians are crazy to mess with Navy Seals and still end up dead. So as you can see the picture is what you paint, and it ain't nobody's business but your own. So the real question is why aren't we in Costa Rica? Well, if we had a pot to pee in, and there wasn't a bunch of deadbeats sucking the life out of you, yeah sure as hell you would be in Costa Rica, Peru or some foreign place. But we're not. At the end of the day, we can say we know nothing about having it bad, because we're still sorry peasants as far as we can see. And one more thing, you can call customer service all you want, they don't give a Boodini's back side about posting on the blog, cause you'll still end up with me!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent job sticking Lennon in there!! Thank you again from your loyal followers!!
