Monday, February 24, 2014

It's Time at Last

When things got shut down in December, it wasn't fun. Hiding on the down low for the last two months was tough, in some ways it was breaking code law for an ultra runner to postpone the race due to some cold conditions. But it affected other folks, and it just wasn't about the fearless. After I was sure that Kyle was handling the timing for the race, there was nothing else to wonder this morning. I got an email from Mike R. asking me if it was still on, right before I was sure, but responded thinking hell yes. The first year Shan, Doug, and I counted laps, very old school. Now it's chip timed, and we go do other stuff. There is no way we do not have the race, even if there is lightning, well that might delay stuff, but people have been patient enough, and damn nice about it. We don't have a reputation that isn't already soiled, but we still need to get this done. Less than thirty days. All night party, wish I was a drinker, well, probably not. March 22nd. will be a lot different weather than Dec. 7th. Better get plenty of ice, coffin style. I might get happy about the food menu, most things are already done, since we left off a few days before we were supposed to gel. It's a small crowd after the dogs and 5Kers are done. Then it's just a big circle jerk. With some really fabulous folks. Here it comes, ready and waiting!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Once Again

Today is another first day. It is a beginning of the journey, and unlike before it is just the same. Which makes no sense, mainly because it isn't anything new. Continuation of what went in the past only to be relighted and begun again. Tessa was mentioning how if you don't get started again you forget about the things that you thought you wanted to do. You live in that void and eventually you forget about your plan, that's if you had one. So far nothing done has been to much to keep up with, and that is exactly why nothing has come to a screeching halt. Small steps, very doable, with no need for regrets. Maybe all the lofty ambitions never work because they never worked before and were way to far out of reach. Getting disappointed, unmarked events that waylay plans, impossibilities take the toll. Not now, this is a fresh start, an opportunity of a lifetime. It happens to start today. How far can it lead. Another choice, another outcome.

Sunday, February 16, 2014


For one thing Irish had a great outing, yes that is one tough runner. What I liked most about it today was the final 9 miles to the finish, I felt great. I certainly wasn't blazing it up on the pace, but it was just a solid good feeling. Almost like a hero who just got his medal, you have to be a runner I guess to latch on to that feeling. Every so often it just seems happy to be in that zone. The yell of cheer I did hear but couldn't place was Jeff passing by on 1st street, I looked and knew it came from a passing car, I just didn't know who. Thanks my friend. Did I tell you he has plans for next year? That's right he wants us to do the marathon double, 52.4 miles. That is a worthy challenge and to get that done, which I know is possible will take only thing. That's right, solid training, and that is a factor this old dog has not been doing. However in the last 47 days, from three races alone I have accumulated 148 miles, which isn't any big deal either, but it's a good base. In two weeks I hope to run Nueces 50m, it's a worthy effort on a great trail. It was a good time getting lowdown in the streets. Irish and Sammy got it done!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Be a Valentine

Boodini wishes to tell you she loves you
Life is shorter than we think
So that's why she wants you to know
It just took a minute to remind you,  and it may be the last we have
But wherever Boodini is, the love will always remain
 It doesn't cost a thing, and it is free
Grace, kindness, and good thoughts are yours from her today!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

At the Marathon Starting Line

Well there comes Lola, out of control
She just loves those hokas and tunes
And Miss Ivy will be arriving
In leopard skin tights she's willing to cruise
It's a fiend scene and it happens just once a year
So for some crumb of some bread it will do your head
And get low down in the street
There's Shan and Sammy, there's Kim and Keith
Way outside the eyes of cool
And sweet M.B. and there's little G.B.
Everybody wants to be their fool
Some miles are lonely, some miles are long
But ain't nobody try to slip away
They'll make you loose, they'll make you crazy
You know what I mean, what you say?
It's a fiend scene and it happens just once a year
So roam on in, it ain't no sin to get low down in the street!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Petition The Lord with Prayer

Jim Morrison of the Doors said You cannot Petition The Lord with prayer. That makes sense to me, since God is all knowing I figure you don't need to let him know what he already knows to do.I find it also amusing when people say that God never answers your prayers sometimes the way you want them. So why ask?  I was reading a blog from a very gifted ultra runner, although they haven't been around long, and like many up and coming, they come and then we don't hear about them anymore. Flashes in the pan. I read this blog to find out why they DNFed a race this runner said would shatter the record and dominate. This person has had some very good wins in higher profile races. They have received endorsements from gear companies, and there is certainly nothing new about that. There are some great runners that continue to be great people as well, and the fame doesn't seem to change their demeanor. So with the social media, people tend to say look at me,me,me. So that isn't news either. But this runner seems to have the role in posts being about how good they are. But when the runner used the God card my thoughts about The Big Man answering their prayers differently, as in DNFing versus shattering the record, and not always understanding God's message made me think. We have eyes but we don't see, ears that do not hear. So this scripture came to mind. "He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart, he has put down the mighty from their thrones, And has raised the lowly". Another, " He came not to be served , but to serve, from Psalms, " The Lord takes pleasure in the humble, and adorns them with success". I know of great runners that run phenomenal times, but no matter they remain great people as well. It's not so complicated when your a peasant, I suppose.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Close and Calling

Boodini is loosing that winter coat, she knows that the coldest of the cold is finally over. It may not seem so but there has been enough whining and dragging one's feet complaining. It has folks on edge,  not knowing if they could stay or go with the ice, the howling wind, and just a whole lot of nothing. So far every winter race of any significance has had very fair weather, except the one that counted and it got cancelled for what will probably be lousy weather anyway. Weather or whether , who knows, who cares. Boodini hates putting on her winter jacket, to her it is so wrong. If given the chance she would bite the hell out of me, I can see her contemplating evil when I go to put it on her. But I guess she tolerates it, cause it gives her a ticket to ride. A chance to sniff the essence of the hood. Yesterday she ran like a champ, five miles is nothing once she slips into her zone. Hopefully come Sunday  any zip in the legs will return as we knock off a marathon on the streets of Austin. 3:55 gets me to Boston, guess I 'll be going to Hutto instead.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Laissez les bons temps rouler

Bandera was done, and Rocky was not even a consideration. In comes Jeff to begin the rant about getting another 100M finished. There was no preparation to accomplish this, but being old enough to have a pacer from the start to finish convinced us both that it was time to just go spend some good times running in Huntsville. Why not? I figured we would start together, and be done when we had enough or it had enough from us. That's what happens when Boodini thinks in his own world. Jeff had other plans, he told me two days before he was not starting till the third loop. No worries, but now this made things serious. Shouldn't it be though, aren't we obligated to always try to do our best? The drive to Huntsville was interesting having three hours in Olga's company, and we talked  as if we actually knew each other. Olga is so very fascinating. The hotel that usually is nice turned out to be disappointing. It reminded me of the run at Wasatch where our room was a disaster and we got another the next day. There was no next day, we would be running. What can I say, the first forty miles were steady and on some kind of target, it was humid and I was soaked from perspiration. When I left Damnation and called Jeff he said he was on the way in park rd. to hook up with me, that was a good jolt. I was really in need of  his conversation, and thinking real strong about one Advil at the finish of the loop. To start the third loop Jeff came with homemade black bean guacamole tacos, and peanut butter heaven bars. That was perfect, because solid food is a must. About 50 miles, I switched back to liquid fuel , but it was slow to react and I faded into the death march category. Jeff  in my opinion  handled this well. We both decided to end the race at 60 miles, and truck over to Misty, Gene and Cissy at Lake Livingston. Smart, smart move. This was a great adventure. The 100 mile race eludes me to date. It is something I will finish alone. I have always thought that to involve others in this purely selfish desire is not fair to your loved ones. Now that is just me mind you! It is selfish in the sense that it is always you and you alone to deal with the journey sometimes good and sometimes horrendously bad. Only you decide to walk to a start line, only you decide to continue. People along the way will always try to help you, but it is only Boodini who will finally decide to finish what she starts. I figure I have started over fifty 100 mile races, only finished 29! And Yes, I will hit that 30 finish mark, not for anything about me, but for Jeff. All my ultra days that man has hounded me to start my first 100, and he badgers me to date to finish number 30. I will overcome because my pacer copilot gives a damn and is all in my face!

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Spirit of Cissy

As I gaze out on the winters view of Lake Livingston from the panoramic deck view of the home built in minds eye of Gene, memories of a young boy living on the coast of Port Isabel flood through my hour glass. The voice of the curator calls to go down below to " The Dungeon" and show me the portal that would lead to a fascinating discovery. As my vision begins to focus, all the articles of people's life comes into perception, and I see a painting of what is obviously Daniel in the Lions Den. A small postcard also of the painting is in the corner of the frame indicating the work is done by Rubens in 1615. Maybe Cissy and Gene liked this so much they bought it. Ignorant me, to not grasp the underlining theme of reality here, as so often in Boodini's life, to miss the true essence of the book by judging it's cover. Gene remarks this was painted by Cissy. There are no words that would express the feeling and depth that overwhelmed my core,  it goes far beyond the finish of running 100 miles. In the home of a living Master Painter enters my life and it is an OMG moment! The curator points to stained glass work, and immediately the door upstairs that I saw as I walked into their home the night before flushes through me to realize that Cissy has also touched the face of the Angels and brought it to earth. Upstairs now all the art work of this home is not what it was before as a place that is just well decorated, it has become a place that must feel like a small part of Heaven ornamented with the artwork given from the heart of a servant to their Master. The Vanity stain glass, the Napoleonic Officer of the Imperial Horse Guard Charging by Gericault in 1814, who actually died himself of a horse fall ten years later, overflow with passion. Later at Buddy's house the brush of the Queen recreates the McCarthy painting of the Lone Sentinel, this is actually painted better than the creator in my opinion because the peaks in the warriors distance are full of the spirit of mountain majesty, and the stallion is depicted as really being alive and ready to spring at the strike of the heel. There are no words, but the feeling of joy from this marvelous, bewildering talent, it goes beyond any sentiment Boodini will ever know. What priceless art treasures lie hidden somewhere near Coldsprings hopefully will be shared for many to see and cherish. I know I always will! To every Season there is a Purpose, Turn! Turn! Turn!