Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Another Day in Parasio

We have a target on our back when we cruise the hood, and if we don't watch out we are hit blindside by a runaway dog. This morning I wonder why we have to hold each other together with a leash yet other folks don't, and they are the ones that have to invade our space. I have so wanted to drop the leash, let the gloves fall, and let Boodini have their ass, but I don't. One morning a dog came running out of the yard and Boodini whipped around and nipped at it, and that dog ran it's happy ass right back into its yard where it came from. On the way into work, I was thinking how today was just another day, why?, I never think that, it should have caught my attention. At work, roofs were leaking, a lap top from the office was stolen, door locks had to be changed, another tenant was irate about the usual nothing, there was nothing ever " just another day today". Should have felt that when that dog left it's two frolicking owners this am off leash and charged Boodini. The frigging whimp dog cowered when it got close to Boodini whose growl and spitting sounding threatening enough. Just go with the flow because twenty five years from now well never know the difference.

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