Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Can't sleep to good, have the hebejeebees, don't know what's shakin. Olga wants free pizza with the remaining funds. Our elected President wants to go public with the club HCTR, but no one seems to care. Some like the email, others prefer facebook, someone is worried about our scant $15 dues and what to do with all the money, that's why Olga wants free pizza, maybe people will show for the meeting and help decide if they really care or not. I never went to the meetings, well maybe once or twice. Maybe there will be interest. Back in the day there are a few of us who remember the beginning of the club, it actually was a cool thing. Maybe it still is for some, but things have changed, and things move on. But I shouldn't let this get to me, Boodini will sense this and turn even more erratic. She likes her life like a stop light when it's red it's red, when it's green it's green, none of this jumping around stuff, or it's a nip,nip nip! Life really has a way of messing with the routine. So I guess the saying goes"Relax, nothing is constant".

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