Thursday, April 3, 2014

Baskin in the Cream

One really happy job back in the day was director of food service for a affluent private UT dorm. It was always a challenge to stay on the cutting edge of quality food, junk food which all college students wanted, and present a wide variety of culinary delights. In particular the ice cream bar, had ten flavors, toppings, and unlimited seconds. One particular day a student came up to the ice cream bar and went into a rage, yelling for all to hear and directly at the server Julie " I am sick and tired of this vanilla ice cream!". Now we all know that day to day pressures really can accumulate until one might bust at the seams. Classes, paper deadlines, exams, the normalcy and routine come to a screeching halt. I still laugh at that remark of the student, it seems to be a mantra when I have really had it, yes, I am sick and tired of that vanilla ice cream and like"Network" I am not going to take it any more! But we do, maybe we don't have much of a choice, bills, keeping up our standard of luxury( what the hell am I talking about), commitments etc. It can lead one to think that being a deadbeat, like our cats at home who do nothing but eat and shit, might be a lot easier way to live. Sometimes the same old things we see everyday that are fixtures in our path can tend to grate on our nerves, we see it over and over again. Yes and finally we just have to admit" I am sick and tired of this Vanilla Ice Cream!!!".