Sunday, August 31, 2014

No Matter Same Road

One of the least things I look forward to at work is the misplaced animals that show up from time to time. Some are dead somewhere in a wall or under a floor, road or sidewalk, some are alive and misplaced. They are raccoons, Cooper's hawk, lots of variety of birds, dogs, opossum, skunk and I must have animal control written on my forehead, cause I am always the go guy for it. I can spot trouble, and a few days ago there was another bird barely alive, and obviously not going to make it. I could find another walkway that wouldn't lead me pass the critter, but somehow it just sucks you in the void. So I have Boodini's kennel in the shop for her cooler weather visits and it becomes a triage for the helpless bird. Poisoned or bad wing, it wasn't able to find food or water and overnight a feral cat would have a tasty meal for sure. So in the kennel it goes, and has been for a few days. It is coming around, whether it's a success story or not is still yet to be decided. But it's alive. My hope is to get to a spot where I will release it with its buddies that hang out between the F and G buildings and join in the daily poop sessions that they enjoy having there. So you walk a different way but it always leads down the same road.

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